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Q: Does the rougher the sand paper the higher the grit?
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What is best grit rating of sand paper for removing paint?

40 Grit

What can you use to smooth wood?

You may use a sander to smooth the surface of wood. You should sand against the grain of the wood, using. If you do not have an electric sander, you can use sand paper wrapped around a sanding block and do it by hand.

What grit of sandpaper should be use to get down to the primer on a car?

220 3m its a finer sand paper you can take the paint as low as you want with it it works great. You should always prime over a 220 grit scratch. It is the perfect size grit. If you are sanding primer so you can apply topcoat, finish with 400grit dry on a machine (DA) or 500 wet sand for a solid color enamel. Basecoat products, particularly metallics and pearls, need to be applied over a substrate that has been wet sanded with 600 grit.

What is the lowest grit of sand paper?

I believe the lowset grit is 3, it looks like railroad rocks

Remove white rings from wood table?

Sand them with fine sand paper, 220 -280 grit/

How do you make shiny chrome a satin finish?

sand the item with 200 grit sand paper all over,dip paper in water a little,then sand item with 400 grit paper dip paper in water a little,then rub steel wool fine grade steel wool all over item,then wipe off with a dry rag,all done.

How do you remove scratches from a plastic dishwasher panel?

To remove scratches u must use fine grit sand paper starting with 220 grit and progressing to super fine 600 grit sandpaper

How do you use glass paper?

Glass paper (or sandpaper) is used to smooth surfaces of materials like wood or metal. You can attach it to a mandrel to mechanically sand the surface of an object or you can attach it to a wood block to manually smooth the surface. The degree of smoothness you can achieve is dependent on the grit of the glass paper. Lower numbers are coarser grit papers and finer grits are higher numbers.

Which is heavier grit or sand?

Sand is much heavier than grit. Sand should be used if you're trying to weigh something down.

What is grit?

Grit can be defined as particles of sand or dirt that is loose. Grit can also mean the strength of one's character.

What are examples of high friction surfaces?

Some examples of relatively high friction surfaces are: sand paper, grass, and asphalt. In general, the rougher the surface, the more friction it has.

What is the antonym for lubricant?

grit, sand, gum