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I have read that the scent of a ferret (and also ferret poop) would drive away mice and rats.

As someone that has the seasonal intrussion of field mice into our house, and also has a house full of ferrets, I can tell you that they are NOT scared away by the scent of least not the domestic ferret that people keep as pets.

I run a ferret shelter, and have had up to 45 ferrets in the shelter at one time.

Each fall and winter, we get an influx of field mice in the shelter itself as well as the main house. We have ferrets that have free run of the house, and this does not deter the mice from stealing food from their bowls.

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17y ago

No, but if you need a mouser a Female cat is best. Males are lazy and the females are natural hunters.

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14y ago

Normally yes but somtimes if you're cat is not a farm cat it will do nothing to a mouse or rat.

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13y ago

No, not at all. In fact it will attract the nosey little beggars more

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12y ago

not exactly..

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Q: Would the scent of a ferret scare away field mice?
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Do mice and rats know if there is a ferret around it?

Rats and mice would know that a ferret is around by their scent.

Does your ferret know you and can he see you?

Yes, ferrets recognize your by your scent.

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Skunk use an anal scent glands to scare away their enemies because it is a defensive mechanism. They use it when they feel threaten or scared.

Is it okay to bathe your ferret more than average?

No it is not. A lot of the ferrets scent comes from oil produced by its skin. Bathing the ferret too often causes the skin to produce more oil to replace the oil it lost from being washed. The more you bathe your ferret, the more oil their skin produces, the more they smell. A ferret should only be bathe 2-3 times a year with special ferret shampoo.

How do you descent a skunk?

This is done by surgery, the vet removes the scent gland.

Can you bathe your ferret with joy dish soap?

Noooo, I would not suggest bathing an animal with Dawn dish soap. Dawn is a very through de-greaser, and as such, would removed the protective oils from the ferret's underfur and skin. That would cause the ferret harm. Also, it could cause damage to the ferret's eyes if it got in them. Either buy a pet shampoo from the grocery store or pet store, or use baby shampoo. Mix the shampoo with some water to make it flow over the ferret's coat more easily.

How do you get rid of a ferret's sweat glands for good the stink that they have I am wanting to adopt one?

Most reputable breeders will already have the ferret descented (it's not really a sweat gland that makes the stink, they are closely related to skunks and spray if not descented) and spayed or nutered before selling. If not, I would seriously question how reputable tyhe breeder is. There will always be a 'skunky' scent, even after descenting. Spayed, descented females have the least stink, and it can be lessened further with regular bathing using a special ferret shampoo.

If hamster get scare when there baby is born do the hamsters eat there baby?

I shouldn't think so. They only eat their babies if their is another scent on them. E.G. if you touch a hamster baby before around 4-5 weeks then the mother will resent the scent and eat the baby.

How do you get boys to stop liking you?

Firstly, tell them that you don't like them. If they don't budge, then please, don't make a fool of yourself in front of them. Examples: Warding them off with a nasty scent, bullying them, or trying to scare them with a personality that you would never show to your peers. It would be best to ignore them, they would eventually move on.

Is there a way to destink a ferret?

Ferrets will always have an odor as their skin produces oil containing their scent. Below are some ways to cut down on their odor Regularly change their bedding as the oil from their ski gets on the bedding and makes it smell Do not bathe your ferret too often (one every 4-5 months at most) as it will cause the ferrets skin to produce more oil, increasing the smell. If it is a male ferret have him neutered. Male ferrets produce more scent when they come into season. Having him neutered will prevent this. Clean their litter boxes regularly (at least 2-3 times per day)

Do you have to clean ferrets butt?

Not usually no. After going to the bathroom the ferret scoots its bottom along the ground. This cleans the ferrets bottom whilst also leaving some of the ferrets scent for other ferrets to smell.

Where can you buy a scent blocker?

One can buy a scent blocker in stores that sell items for the homes and bathrooms such as Walmart or Target. Other stores would have scent blockers, they just have to ask.