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Q: Does tibico fungus cause candida overgrowth?
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Can your feces go moldy?

More then likely, you have systemic candida. That is an overgrowth of candida albicans in your gut from poor diet. If you eat a lot of sugar, carbs, and processed foods that will cause it. Also, if you have been on antibiotics for a long time, that could be the culprit.

Is candidia a virus?

No, candida is a fungus, which is the main cause of yeast infections in the body.

What happens when you have candida?

Candida is a yeast-like fungus. It occurs naturally in the human body. It is often the cause of athlete's foot and other bodily infections, like vaginitis.

What microorganisms are in candida albicans?

candida albicans are a type of yeast (fungus) that grow as normal flora on the human body, but can cause varying symptoms if their growth is not in the normal range of human bodily flora

What microbe causes thrush?

Candidiasis, commonly called yeast infection or thrush, is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any of the Candida species, of which Candida albicans is the most common.

Does thrush cause early aging if your a 15 year old girl?

No, thrush has no impact on ageing what-so-ever no matter what your age is. Thrush is just a yeast infection, an overgrowth of fungus, it has no impact on ageing.

Can penicillin cause bad breath and white tongue?

Yes, penicillin (and related ampicillin, amoxicillin) can cause a metallic taste in the mouth; and after many days of cintinued use may cause a fungal overgrowth in the mouth of Candida, or thrush. This is usually treated by giving a nystatin swish and swallow after meals and at bedtime for about a week.

Can fungus cause meseles?

No , fungus can't cause measles as it is viral disesase .

What type of infection does candidiasis cause?

Candidiasis is caused by any Candida species (yeasts), the most common is Candida albicans.

Disadvantage of fungi?

Fungus comes in many forms and some types, such as mushrooms, are beneficial. However, there are other types of fungus that have many disadvantages. Some, such as candida, cause painful burning and itching. These symptoms can be aggravating, and treatment is usually needed for severe candida infections. Home remedies and antibiotics are common therapies for all types of fungal infections. Some common types of fungus are tinea cruris (jock itch) and tinea corporis (ring worm). It causes food poisoning. It damages the pickels and the breads.It also causes diseses likeringworm and athelete's foot.

Is Trichomoniasis similar to Candida?

Both trichomoniasis and candida can cause itching, irritation, discharge, and a rash. However, trich is caused by a single-celled parasite spread by sex. Candida is a naturally-occurring occupant of the vagina.

Can sugar cause depression?

Eating too much sugar will make you fat. It may make your diabetes worse. However, it's not going to make you depressed unless you start obsessing over being fat. The reason humans like sugar so much is that eating sugar triggers a release of dopamine in the brain. This is the "natural high" chemical which causes feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Therefore, sugar causes the opposite of depression - too bad it only lasts for a few minutes!