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A lady may be fertile at any time during her menstrual cycle. That the lady is more fertile at some times during that cycle is true.

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Q: Does woman get pregnant only her fertility days?
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Only if It's a rainy Monday

Can a women only get pregnant two days out of the month?

No; there are a few days around ovulation when a woman is most fertile, but it is possible to get pregnant on ANY day of the month

Why does the woman have to take fertility medication if the sperm is the problem?

A woman only drops one egg a month so if the sperms are slow or few , increasing the amount of eggs will help getting pregnant.

How many days later a woman vomits after having intercourse?

A woman only has morning sickness if pregnant, otherwise, intercourse will not make you nauseous.

Can you get pregnant if you're gay?

The only way to get pregnant is if you are a female - with eggs, periods, and a womb. If you're a lesbian and have sex with a man without using protection then you will most likely become pregnant. Gay men cannot become pregnant, but they can impregnate women. If you are a lesbian woman, you can get pregnant, but only if you have sex with a man or undergo a fertility procedure that uses banked sperm cells.

What are safe days in the menstrual period?

The menstrual period is the time in which you are menstruating, I think that you mean your menstrual cycle. Safe days are days you can have sex without getting pregnant, you can only know these days if you were using fertility awareness method as a form of birth control.

Is there only one to two days out the month you could get pregnant?

No, absolutely not. If u are under 30/35 u have a good week that u could get pregnant. Maybe even a week and a half. Fertility depends on age and heredity but u can certainly get pregnant more than one or two days out of the month.

Can women get pregnant 17 days after her period?

A woman can only get pregnant if she has sex during ovulation or for the week prior when there is fertile cervical mucus present - but without tracking her cycles with FAM she can't know when she is fertile or not, so she must always assume she is fertile. Thus if a woman does not use birth control then she could get pregnant 17 days after her period.

How can a couple use fertility awareness methods to conceive a child or to prevent pregnancy?

In the female menstrual cycle, there are only 2-3 days in which a woman can conceive a child. Conception can be facilitated or avoided by not having intercourse on these days.

Can you still get pregnant when you just got done with your period?

Yes, you can get pregnant any time you have sex. There are only a few days of your menstrual cycle that you can get pregnant, but unless you use fertility awareness method you can't know when those days are - thus you should always use some other form of birth control to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Can a woman get pregnant?

Most can, some are unable to for various reasons. In speaking of humans, only a woman can get pregnant.

If a Muslim is pregnant can they still go to the hajj?

In case there is no danger of miscarriage or something else, pregnant woman may perform Hajj. It takes only a few days to perform Hajj.