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The power of suggestion is very powerful. Many of the symptoms of pregnancy are also associated with stress and sleep deprivation. Basically, if you're looking for it, you will find it, regardless of if it is really there or not.

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Q: Does worrying about being pregnant cause pregnancy like symptoms even if you are not really pregnant?
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Do guys have symptoms of pregnancy?

If I am correct, men can get what they think are symptoms of pregnancy, but really they are just worried about there pregnant girlfriend or wife or partner... But literally, men can not get real symptoms of being pregnant because they are not female. hope this helped!!

Does it matter that you have no pregnancy symptoms?

You've either got it really good...or your "nolonger pregnant" .

How soon can you have symptoms of pregnancy?

As soon as you get pregnant. I started getting symptoms when i was a month I was always sick i guess it really depends on the person.

What is false pregnancy symptoms?

Usually a false pregnancy means that you have taken a pregnancy test and it gives you a positive reading when you are not pregnancy (which is very rare) or a negative reading when you really are pregnant.

If your pregnant with no symptoms what does it mean?

SOme people react to pregnancy differently. You are either very lucky, congrats, or you aren't really pregnant and you are crazy.

Could you have pregnancy symptoms but you when to the doctor and the test was negative?

loads of us go through pregnancy symptoms when we're not pregnant our mind it play tricks on us!!!!! just get over it really cause if it came up negative your not pregnant just forget about it because the more you think about it the more your body will believe your pregnant and that's why you go through pregnancy symptoms because it on your mind all time then your body thinks your pregnant

If I had a miscarriage and my pregnancy symptoms disappeared but now they are back could I still be pregnant?

If you really had a miscarriage, you can't still be pregnant, but you could be pregnant again before you get your next period.

What is the medical term meaning false pregnancy?

pseudocyesisPseudocyesis is the medical term for a condition where a person is not really pregnant, but their mind believes it so much that they get the physical symptoms of being pregnant.

How does someone know if they are pregnant without a test?

Some women have pregnancy symptoms in which they suspect that they are pregnant. Other women have a strong maternal instinct and just "feel" pregnant. But it is hard to really know without having an accurate pregnancy test (either at home or at a doctors office).

I think I might be pregnant I'm not sure though My breast been hurting of and on before and after my last period which wasn't regular MY stomach been really tight on the top could I be Pregnant?

Yes it is very possible that you are pregnant because those are the symptoms of pregnancy maybe try to have a pregnancy test

What if you were having symptoms of pregnancy like stomach ache feet ache breast pain from last 12days and suddenly you have periods?

Then you're not pregnant. Those are just PMS symptoms (except foot pain, which isn't really a pregnancy symptom either until about 32+ weeks)

Can you get symptoms of pregnancy when your really not?

Yes you can. If you get it into your head that you think you're pregnant then you feel like you're getting the symptoms... Several times I've had a very late period and i convinced myself i was pregnant; feeling sick etc until i took a test. It came out negative and as soon as i'd seen that result i no longer had symptoms!