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The construction of a transcontinental railroad that would start in Chicago, Illinois.

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Q: Douglas proposed this bill as a compromise so that he would get support from Southerners on which issue?
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Who support the compromise of 1850?

Stephan Douglas was! Good Day!

Why did many northerners and southerners support the compromise of 1850?

bcause everyone farted

Who held Henry Clay for the compromise of 1850?

The original Compromise of 1850 failed to pass the Senate. Stephen Douglas helped Henry Clay by dividing the Compromise into 5 smaller bills and was able to push the bills through the Senate.

Southerners who did not support the confederacy were called?


Why did only southerners support republican reforms?

they didnt.

Why did some Southerners support Republicans reforms?

they didnt.

When debate the passage of the compromise of 1850 who supported the compromise and support unity?

Henry Clay

Which man did not support the compromise of 1850?

John C. Calhoun did not support Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas' Compromise of 1850, citing the Constitution as his reason. He believed the Constitution justified slavery and any attempt to end slavery would result in dis-union and civil war.

Which minister's ideas did Southerners use to support slavery?

Charles Hodge

Why did the southerners finally agree to support debt assumption?

federal aid

Why did southerners support the annexation of Texas?

They thought that granting popular sovereignty would allow slavery

How did Zachary Taylor's death lead to the Compromise of 1850?

Zachary Taylor was against the Compromise of 1850. When he died on the evening of July 9, 1850 of gastroenteritis, Taylor's successor was Millard Fillmore of New York, who was an ardent supporter of compromise. In Congress, leadership in the fight for a compromise passed to Stephen Douglas, a democrat from Illinois. Douglas abandoned Clay's strategy of gathering all issues dividing the sections into a single bill. Instead, he introduced Clay's proposals one at a time. In this way, he was able to gather support from varying coalitions of Whigs and Democrats and Northerners and Southerners on each issue. At the same time, banking and business interests as well as speculators in Texas bonds lobbied and even bribed congressmen to support compromise. Despite these manipulations, the compromise proposals never succeeded in gathering solid congressional support. In the end, only 4 senators and 28 representatives voted for every one of the measures. Nevertheless, they all passed. As finally approved, the Compromise: * admitted California as a free state; * allowed the territorial legislatures of New Mexico and Utah to settle the question of slavery in those areas; * set up a stringent federal law for the return of runaway slaves; * abolished the slave trade in the District of Columbia; and * gave Texas $10 million to abandon its claims to territory in New Mexico east of the Rio Grande.