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Q: Drugs to lower cholesterol levels in the bloodstream are called?
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Are beta-blockers statin drugs?

no, they do not lower cholesterol levels.

Is lipitor a simvistatin?

No, Lipitor is Atorvastatin. Zocor is Simvistatin. Both drugs are for hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol). No, Lipitor is Atorvastatin. Zocor is Simvistatin. Both drugs are for hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol).

How do cholesterol-reducing drugs affect people with kidney or liver disease?

people with kidney or liver disease may be more likely to have blood problems or other side effects when they take certain cholesterol-reducing drugs. And some drugs of this type may actually raise cholesterol levels in people with liver disease.

What are the 2 types of drugs for a person with high cholesterol levels?

The statins are the drug of choice - which one varies with the patient.

What illegal drugs can be detected in your bloodstream?

All, I repeat, ALL illegal drugs can be detected in your bloodstream.

What will happen if the prescription for cholesterol-reducing drugs is stopped?

Cholesterol levels may increase when the medicine is stopped, and the physician may prescribe a special diet to make this less likely.

What is in all cholesterol drugs that you are allergic to?

not any allergic in all cholesterol drugs

What are cholesterol-reducing drugs?

Cholesterol-reducing drugs are medicines that lower the amount of cholesterol (a fat-like substance) in the blood.

Why do pharmaceutical companies scare people into cholesterol lowering drugs when multiple studies have shown that high cholesterol has absolutely nothing to do with heart disease?

It's All About Money!That's how the pharmaceutical companies get paid...through fear.The answer is simple. Drug companies make money by selling drugs to combat high cholesterol. If they told the truth, they would not collect the money for the drugs. It's not just the cholesterol drugs, either. It's a very large number of drugs! To the drug companies, and many others in the medical field, the bottom line is not about health and healing, it is about putting LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY in their pockets.DebIn fact, HDL and LDL, which are the usual components measured when testing cholesterol, are not cholesterol at all. They are lipoproteins. So if your HDL number comes back high, it means your "High Density Lipoprotein" levels are high. Not your cholesterol.Remember: THERE IS NO CORRELATION BETWEEN HEART DISEASE AND HIGH CHOLESTEROL!! 60% OF HEART ATTACK PATIENTS HAVE "LOW CHOLESTEROL" LEVELS!! (And yes, I am yelling, so that everyone can hear me!)

How do drugs enter the bloodstream?

The squeeze thng

What is simvastatin for?

Cholesterol reduction drug, from a category of drugs like Lipitor; Statin drugs

How do you fight high cholesterol?

Reduce cholesterol: 1 By eating less dairy products like milk and cheese 2 by using drugs called statins which a doctor can prescribe