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Yes, it is required to because of a greater O2 demand from the muscles. Main mechanism to increase stroke volume is increased heart rate, as cardiac output equals HR times by stroke volume (volume of blood ejected from the heart in contraction).

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Unless the exercise is of very short duration, it will.

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Q: During exercise will Cardiac Output increase?
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If resting cardiac output is six liters and maximum exercise cardiac output is sixteen liters what is the cardiac reserve?

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What effects cardiac output during the first few stages of exercise?

Cardiac Output is computed as your heart rate times your stroke volume (volume of blood ejected from the heart each beat). The main contributor when exercising is an acceleration in heart rate. Stroke volume can be increased, but only by prolonged aerobic training. To answer your Q, HR as has the main effect on cardiac output during the first stages of exercise.**The first few stages of cardiac exercise will 'affect' cardiac output, not 'effect' it. If you don't know the difference between the two, you should not be asking a question such as this...

Does exercise Change in cardiac output or in peripheral resistance?

Both, peripheral resistance decreases and cardiac output increases.

What would happen to the blood pressure in the pulmonary artery if more blood is drived to the lungs during exercise?

The pressure in the pulmonary artery increases during exercise if the cardiac output increases.

Would an increase in contractility cause an increase to cardiac output?

Yes - an increase in contractility would lead to an increase in stroke volume. An increased stroke volume would cause an increased cardiac output.

How does an increased or decreased cardiac output impact the body?

A decrease or increase of cardiac output in the body can result to several health problems depending on the body's health conditions. A stroke is prevalent if there is an increase of cardiac output that cannot be handled by the system. Lack of oxygen in the brain is an effect of a decrease cardiac output on the other hand.

What is the effect of cardiovascular excerise on cardiac output?

Cardiac output is the total volume of blood that is pumped by the heart per minute. When you exercise, there is a greater demand for oxygen, which is carried in your blood, thus your cardiac output increases.

Can fever increase cardiac output?

Yes, fever can increase cardiac output. Fever indicates infection so blood will flow more in order to get WBCs to the affected area.

Does the increase in pulse and blood pressure because of exercise reflect changes in cardiac output or peripheral resistance?

Cardiac Output is the product of Stroke Volume and Hear Rate. Increase in either one will increase in Cardiac OutPut. THe increase in HR could be due to decrease of Parasympatheic Drive, Incresae in Sympathetic Drive. (norepiphrine increase HR) Peripheral REsistance decrease because of vasodilation during exercise in the working musclse because of vasodilator metabolites (adenosine, K+) inhibit Norepinphrine release locally. I think the increase in pulse and blood pressure duing exercise is to meet the oxygen demand of the working tissue. In unfir person you can see that they acheive that mostly by increasing heart rate. However when you see the fit person doing the same workload, they might have lesser increase of HR compare to the unfit person because they have a stroger stroke volume. I hope this helps

What factors influence cardiac output?

A cardiac cycle is the complete sequence to make one complete contraction. Factors that influence the cardiac cycle include the increase and decrease in heart rate, change of posture, parasympathetic nervous system activity and sympathetic nervous system activity.