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Q: During the 1980s over what were Iran and Iraq engaged in a war?
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Did the Ayatollah Khomeini rule Iraq during the 1980s and was he an ally of the US?

NO. Ayatollah Khomeini ruled IRAN in the 1980s and was a determined ENEMY of the United States.

Who is the Iraqi leader who invaded Iran?

Saddam Hussein was the President of Iraq who invaded Iran during the Iran-Iraq War.

Were there Afghans during the Iran-Iraq War?

Afghans did not participate in the Iran-Iraq War. During this period, Afghanistan was fighting the Soviet Union and trying to repel them from the country. However, Afghans were alive during the Iran-Iraq War. (So, technically speaking, there were Afghans during the Iran-Iraq War, just not in that war.)

Who did Iran fight a major war during 1980 with?

Iraq. It was called the Iran-Iraq War and lasted from 1980 to 1988.

How did Saddam use chemical weapons?

Chemical weapons were used in Iraq in the 1970s and 1980s to attack Kurds living in the North of the country as part of an intentional genocide against the Kurdish people. In addition, these weapons were also used by Iraq against the Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War.

What country fought a war from 1980 to 1988?

I think you must be referring to the war between Iran and Iraq, which was between 1980-88. However, while Iraq is an Arab country, Iran is a Persian country. They are both Islamic nations though. Both are majority Shi'ite Muslim.

What counrty fought war from 1980 to 1988?

Two countries, Iran and Iraq, fought the Iran-Iraq war during those years.

Who did the US support in the Gulf War?

The US supported Iraq during their war with Iran (1980-1988).

Who did Iran invade during the desert storm?

Wrong country. IRAQ invaded Kuwait. Not Iran.

Which best describes how the US interacted with Iraq in the 1980s?

The United States supported its fight against Iran. They were trade partners. The United States sold Iraq a huge arsenal of weapons. The United States supported its fight against Iran.