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Yes she will, but do not let her! the babies are born deformed and she will eat them !

i own 17 baby dwarfs:P

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Q: Dwarf hamsters - Will the mother dwarf hamster allow inbreeding with one of her pups?
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Can Dwarf hamsters mate other hamsters?

If the male is with the female when she is in heat, they will mate. It's pretty much a given. They should be separated, inbreeding leads to weak litters.

What other types of hamsters are there besides the Syrian?

There are dwarf hamsters their are Chinese dwarf hamster ( this hamster isn't classified as a dwarf they are just small hamsters) The winter white hamster Campbell dwarf hamster Roborovski dwarf hamster And they are different names and they all have different colors but syrian hamsters have more colors than dwarf hamsters

If you forget to refill the hamsters water bottle and you have not separated the mother from the babies will the baby dwarf hamsters eat them mother dwarf hamster?

are your hamsters currently on their mother? hamsters repreduce milk and so maybe your hamsters are just drinking her milk. from kennedyage 11

How do you make dwarf hamsters?

By breeding them. Dwarf hamsters are a breed of hamster.

What is the different between Chinese dwarf hamster and other dwarf hamster?

Chinese hamsters have tails and dwarf hamsters don't and Chinese hamsters can live together.

Are Russian hamsters dwarfs?

Yes they are. They are called Russian Dwarf Hamsters, Campbell's Dwarf Hamster, and Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster.

Can a dwarf hamster mate with a fancy dwarf hamster?

yeah of course they can hamsters can mate with all different hamsters

What is the slowest dwarf hamster?

Chinese dwarf hamsters are the slowest of dwarf hamsters, they are easy to handle and I would recommend to anyone who is having a first time dwarf hamster.

Are all Russian Hamsters dwarf hamsters?

A hamster can be Russian and not a dwarf, for example the European Hamster can be found in Russia, but it is certainly not a dwarf species. However the 'Russian Dwarf' hamster is a specific species that is considered a dwarf variety.

What are some of the types of hamsters?

I can name three hamsters. There is the Russian hamster, the Dwarf hamster, and the Chinese hamster.

Are rotastac hamster cages suitable for dwarf hamsters?

Yes, they are great for dwarf hamsters.

How much do dwarf hamsters weigh up to?

about big will a dwarf hamster grow about big will a dwarf hamster grow about big will a dwarf hamster grow