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I think you mean IONS. Elements that form IONS by losing or gaining electrons, form IONIC bonds. These form when a metal reacts with a non-metal.

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Q: Elements of which form ionic bonds between them when combined together?
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What two elements are always involved in forming ionic bonds?

There are no two chemical elements that are alwaysinvolved in forming ionic bonds. If the questioner meant something else, a rephrasing of the question is needed.

Which holds large numbers of different molecules together?

Intermolecular force holds large numbers of different molecules together.

Water dissolves ionic compounds because water molecules?

So basically an atom of water or (H2O) is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that are covalently bonded together to make a compound. A covalent bond is when two nonmetal elements, most commonly, two gases come together to make a compound. So water is a covalent bond because it is hydrogen bonded with oxygen which are both nonmetal elements being bonded together to form a covalent bond. There is a difference between ionic bonds and covalent bonds. The difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond is that in a covalent bond the two or more elements that are being bonded together share electrons rather than take them like in an ionic compound. So with the fact that covalently bonded compounds share electrons in mind, electrons are not evenly distributed or shared throughout a water molecule because oxygen atoms strongly attract electrons. Because the oxygen atoms do this they pull electrons away from the hydrogen atoms giving them a partial positive charge. Now that the oxygen atom has the electrons closer to it than the other two hydrogen atoms it gives the oxygen atom a partially negative charge. This act of atoms not evenly sharing electrons is called a polar compound. What is special about compounds that are polar is that is attracts both positive and negative ions of an ionic commpund. Thats why water can dissolve ionic compounds because its polar structure.

What chemical and molecular effect does sugar have on water?

Sugar when added to water makes water sweeter.It is harmful for diabetics and helpful to their heirs. Sugar crystals interact with water via hydrogen bonds- weak bonds that take place primarily between positively-charged hydrogen atoms and negatively-charged oxygen atoms. The two substances interact freely when combined. Water molecules surround individual molecules of sugar, breaking the bonds between sugar particles until the crystals are either fully dissolved, or until there are no 'free' water molecules left. When this occurs, the sugar crystals do not fully dissolve. Hydrogen bonds are so weak that they are constantly breaking and reforming, causing individual molecules to exchange positions. Because energy is required to break and form bonds, and heat is a form of energy, the warmer the water, the more readily the sugar dissolves. Water with sugar in it has lower freezing and higher boiling points than pure water.

Why is the bond between H and F is not ionic but the electronegativity difference is 1.9?

The bond between hydrogen and fluorine is not a covalent bond. When hydrogen bonds with oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine, then it is called a hydrogen bond. Hydrogen bonds will be stronger than a regular covalent bond, so the electronegativity difference will be higher.

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How can i combine 2 elements?

There are a few elements that can be combined. Elements like hydrogen bonds and iconic bonds can be combined.

What two elements combined together in propene?

Propene formula CH3-CH=CH2 in which 2 elements Carbon and Hydrogen are combined, sharing 9 covalent electron bonds

Which elements form ionic bonds between them when combined together?

Ionic bonds are formed between any metal and non metal combination. Whenever there is a positively charged ion and a negatively charged ion, an ionic bond is formed.

What are the element pairs from ionic bonds between them when combined together?

Sodium and chlorine

What are shared to form bonds when elements are combined?

Electrons, specifically valence electrons are shared when elements form bonds.

Is made of two or more substances that are together in the same place but are not chemically combined.?

Are you thinking of covalent bonds? Covalent bonds work to share electrons between two elements so that each may fill their valence shells/orbitals.

Is made two or more substances that are together in the same place but are not chemically combined?

Are you thinking of covalent bonds? Covalent bonds work to share electrons between two elements so that each may fill their valence shells/orbitals.

What is a substance containing two or more elements in a fixed ratio?

Two or more elements chemically combined is called a chemical compound. Compounds can be held together different interactions like ionic bonds or covalent bonds.

What does mean when you say bonding between elements?

In a molecule, atoms are joined together by bonds. When we say bonding, we are referring to these bonds.

Bonds between inert gases and other elements create what type of substance?

Bonds between inert gases (such as helium, neon, argon, etc.) and other elements typically create compounds known as interstitial compounds, which are characterized by weak interactions due to the inert nature of the gas atoms.

What is substance containing two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed ratio?

It is called a compound

Covalent bonds can best be dscrided as a what of electrons?

Covalent bonds can best be described as a sharing of electrons between atoms in order to achieve a stable electronic configuration. This sharing of electrons allows atoms to achieve a full outer shell and form a strong bond.