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The bond between hydrogen and fluorine is not a covalent bond. When hydrogen bonds with oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine, then it is called a hydrogen bond. Hydrogen bonds will be stronger than a regular covalent bond, so the electronegativity difference will be higher.

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Q: Why is the bond between H and F is not ionic but the electronegativity difference is 1.9?
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Water dissolves ionic compounds because water molecules?

So basically an atom of water or (H2O) is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that are covalently bonded together to make a compound. A covalent bond is when two nonmetal elements, most commonly, two gases come together to make a compound. So water is a covalent bond because it is hydrogen bonded with oxygen which are both nonmetal elements being bonded together to form a covalent bond. There is a difference between ionic bonds and covalent bonds. The difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond is that in a covalent bond the two or more elements that are being bonded together share electrons rather than take them like in an ionic compound. So with the fact that covalently bonded compounds share electrons in mind, electrons are not evenly distributed or shared throughout a water molecule because oxygen atoms strongly attract electrons. Because the oxygen atoms do this they pull electrons away from the hydrogen atoms giving them a partial positive charge. Now that the oxygen atom has the electrons closer to it than the other two hydrogen atoms it gives the oxygen atom a partially negative charge. This act of atoms not evenly sharing electrons is called a polar compound. What is special about compounds that are polar is that is attracts both positive and negative ions of an ionic commpund. Thats why water can dissolve ionic compounds because its polar structure.

Name a much weaker but important bond in living things?

hydrogen bonds are the weakest .Covalent bonds are the strongest.

Describe the energy change associated with ionic bond formation and relate it to stability?

The formation of ionic compounds from positive and negative ions is exothermic. The attraction from positive and negative ions form a more stable system with a lower engergy than the individual ions. (Based on assumptions and help from my Chemistry book.)

Can a hamster have a bond with you?

sure they can if your nice to them theyll be nice to u it will create a great bond

Are nitrates proteins?

yes nitrogen is present in proteinYes the amino group of all amino acids are having nitrogen. amino group NH2 involved directly to form peptide bond with COOH group. Nitrogens are also found in DNA and the nitrogenous base.

Related questions

What large differences in electronegativity result in bonding between atoms?

If this difference is under 2 the bond is covalent; if the difference is over 2 the bond is ionic.

What type of bond is between Metals with nonmetals of differing electronegativities?

If the difference in electronegativity between the metal and the non metal is above 1.7, then ionic bond is formed. If the difference in electronegativity between the metal and the non metal is below 1.7, then polar covalent bond is formed.

Is the term for a bond between two atoms that differ in electronegativity?

If there is a slight electronegativity difference, the bond is a nonpolar covalent bond. If there is a large electronegativity difference, it is an ionic bond. If the difference is somewhere between, it is a polar covalent bond.

How would you use electronegativity values to predict if a bond will be principally ionic or covalent?

If the difference in the electronegativity between two atoms is more than 1.7, then the bond is ionic and if the difference is below 1.7, then the bond is covalent.

When does and ionic bond form between a metal and a nonmetal?

If the difference in the electronegativity between the two atoms is above 1.7, then an ionic bond is formed.

What is the relationship between bonds and electronegativity?

If the electronegativity difference between the two atoms is above 1.7, then ionic bond is formed and if the difference is below 1.7, then covalent bond is formed.

Is MgCl2 a polar covalent bond a covalent bond or an ionic bond?

MgCl2 is an ionic compound. there is a large difference in electronegativity between Mg and Cl.

What is the differences in electronegativity would result in an ionic bond?

Generally a difference of 1.4 in electronegativity would result in an ionic bond.

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The greater the electronegativity difference between the two bonded atoms, greater is the ionic character of the bond.

Why doesn't silicon form an ionic bond with boron?

Because the difference in their electronegativity is not sufficiently large.See the Related Questions to the left for the difference between a covalent and an ionic bond.

What is a rule for predicting whether or not a bond will be ionic?

If the difference in electronegativity between the elements is greater than 2 then the bond will be ionic, if its between 1.6 and 2 then it will be ionic if one of the elements is a metal.

Why do the elements S and O form a covalent bond?

If the electronegativity difference between two elements is above 1.7, then ionic bond is formed between these two. If the electronegativity difference is below 1.7, then they form covalent bond. In the case of sulphur and oxygen the electronegativity difference will be below 1.7