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Equilibrium occurs when the forward and backward reactions happen at the same rate

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Q: Equilibrium is achieved when the and chemical reactions continue to take place at the same rate?
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What best describes chemical equilibrium a reactions have stopped b reactions continue with no effect on the concentration of reactant and products c reactions stop only when a?

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What correctly describes any chemical reaction that has reached equilibrium?

Forward and reverse reactions continue with no effect on the concentraction of the reactants and products.

What does the value of the equilibrium constant indicate?

When a chemical reaction reach the equilibrium she can not continue spontaneously.

What is the importance of equilibrium in the study of chemical reactions?

Equilibrium denotes a condition where the sum of forces is zero or balanced. This condition is related to Boundary conditions or limit values for Energy.This is important because at Equilibrium the forces are balanced and the condition is said to be stable and unchanging.

What happens in a reaction if it is at chemical equilibrium?

In a chemical system, there are forward and reverse reactions occurring constantly. As the forward reactions progress, the increased amount of products allows for more and more reverse reactions. Once the rate of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, the system is at equilibrium. The forward and reverse reactions continue at equal but opposite rates; however, there are no further changes in the concentration of the products and reactants.

Why reversible reactions never complete?

Because reversible reactions are continuting process as well two way process.reactant n product convert into one another and in this way reaction will continue.

What statement best illustrates phase equilibrium?

At dynamic equilibrium, the reactions continue but the amounts of reactants and products do not change. The forward reactions occur at the same rate as the reverse reactions so there is no net change in composition.

How do chemical manufacturers make the reaction continue to make ammonia once the reaction has reached equilibrium?

By Le Chetalier's principle - remove product. This encourages the reaction to produce more product to balance the equilibrium.

Explain why plants are able to continue the dark reactions when they are not able to use the light reactions?

Explain why plants are able to continue the dark reactions when they are not able to use the light reactions?

Does random movement of molecules stop once equilibrium is reached?

When equilibrium is reached, there is no net motion of molecules. This does not mean that no molecules are moving. In diffusion, this would mean there are equal molecules leaving as are entering.

Why is equilibrium said to be dynamic in a closed system?

The system is in "equilibrium" because the rates of the reactions (or in this case simply changes of state) in both directions are equal, and the amounts of liquid and vapour are constant. The "dynamic" part describes the fact that the reactions/changes of state are indeed happening even though no change is observed from the outside. It's like walking up an escalator which is moving downwards - to someone watching it doesn't look like you're moving, but in fact you are working to stay in the same place.

What is a chemical reaction in which the products reform the original reactant?

Enzyme catalyzed reactions are the chemical reactions that occur in series where the product of one reaction serves as the reactant in the next reaction. These reaction pathways allow a cell to grow and reproduce.