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-EXCEPT The cities declined: trade became dangerous, and a self-sustaining feudal system replaced international economy

- Middle ages of Europe warfare frequently occurred

-Early Middle ages are called Dark Ages because Literacy and education declined.

-Barbarian tribe settle in France? FRANKS, a germanic association.

-Contribution of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages? Preserved learning.

-Charlamagne was able to create a strong and noble gov't

-Charlamagne did NOT write "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

-Feudalism arose in Western Europe because there was a need for Law and Order.

- The Fief was an important basis for feudalism because it was the land given by a lord to a vassal in return for military service.

-Feudalism in Europe was self-sufficient.

-Serfs could not be bought and sold like slaves, but they also could not leave the manor without permission of their lord.

-NOT a duty of a serf: training required of a warrior.

-The US Gov't gives assistance to the poor and the sick (who are elderly and poor)

-A cause of the first crusade was the conquest of Asia Minor by the Seljuk Turks.

- Result of the crusade: growth of European commerce/trade.

-INDIRECT RESULT of the Crusades: decline in feudalism

-NOT Included in a report about the Middle Ages: Exploration of the New World

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