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Even before the medical community had embraced the germ theory, two physicians had observed that the use of sloppy methods and contaminated instruments during surgery led to increased mortality of the surgical patient.

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Q: Even though the germ theory of disease was not demonstrated until 1876 why did Semmelweis and Lister argue for the use of aseptic techniques?
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Free from disease germs?


Advantages and disadvantages of aseptic techniques?

The best advantage of aseptic techniques is that harmful microbes are not introduced. For example in the surgical field or determining what microbe has caused what disease. An disadvantage is the cost of specialized clothing, materials, and sterilized instruments.

Why were Semmelweis ideas weren't accepted right away?

Semmelweis's ideas weren't accepted right away because they challenged the prevailing scientific beliefs of the time that miasma, or "bad air," caused disease. His theory, that handwashing could prevent the spread of disease, was also seen as radical and faced resistance from the medical community. Additionally, Semmelweis struggled to provide a scientific explanation for his findings, which made them harder to accept.

What did Ignaz Semmelweis do to fight disease?

He was the first physician to use disinfection in a hospital setting. He used "carbolic acid" solution to disinfect medical apparatus in the operating room and strict hand-washing techniques to ensure midwives did not transfer infection from one patient to another.

What is ignaz semmelweis contribution in microbiology?

Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician who is known for promoting the importance of handwashing in medical settings to prevent the spread of infections, particularly childbed fever. His work helped pave the way for the germ theory of disease and was instrumental in improving hygiene practices in healthcare.

What early microbiologist was most responsible for developing sterile laboratory techniques?

Louis Pasteur is considered the early microbiologist who was most responsible for developing sterile laboratory techniques. His work on pasteurization and germ theory laid the foundation for modern microbiology practices.

Which Hungarian doctor discovered in 1847 that hand washing in hospitals could drastically reduce deaths from infectious disease such as 'childbed fever'?

Ignaz Semmelweis

How is medical isolation used?

Isolation is the use of physical separation and strict aseptic technique for a patient who either has a contagious disease or is immunocompromised.

Why is aseptic technique necessary for successful cultivation of pure cultures in the laboratory?

Short answer is Koch's postulates. Long answer you can't ascribe any scientific data you may gather to a bunch of bacteria on a plate or in a culture, as you won't know which of the bacteria gave you the result you observed. So if you are trying to figure out which bacteria causes a disease, inoculating a mix of bacteria won't tell you which one causes the disease. Isolating each one using aseptic technique and then inoculating individually and finding the disease in one animal will tell you which bacteria caused to disease.

What did Louis Pasteur demonstrated that can cause disease?

Louis Pasteur demonstrated that microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, can cause disease when they infect living organisms. His experiments helped establish the germ theory of disease, which revolutionized our understanding of how illnesses spread and laid the foundation for modern microbiology and immunology.

How did Ignaz Semmelweis change the way you look at disease?

Semmelweis noticed that the death rates in mothers during pregnancy was unusually high. He noticed that the doctors in his hospital were going straight from examining diseased dead bodies in the morgue to delivering babies, and thought that perhaps this meant that they were transferring disease from the corpses to the mothers. He suggested that all doctors thoroughly wash their hands between patients, and almost immediately the death rate fell. This was the first time that the idea of infectious disease (passing disease via a pathogenic medium, i.e. bacteria and viruses) was considered. before this, contracting diseases was put down to chance.

How did the work of lister and koch support pasteur's germ theory of disease?

Lister's work on antiseptic techniques, which reduced infection rates during surgeries, and Koch's identification of specific disease-causing microorganisms provided experimental evidence to support Pasteur's germ theory of disease. These discoveries demonstrated the role of microbes in causing infections and helped validate Pasteur's idea that microorganisms were responsible for the spread of diseases.