

Examples about Exaggeration

Updated: 4/26/2024
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12y ago

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''Mulan was a china hero''

''Robin Hood is the best hero''


Obama is an adequate president.

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3d ago
  1. The fish I caught was as big as a whale!
  2. I have a million things to do today.
  3. My backpack weighs a ton.
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What does hyperbole mean and some examples?

A hyperbole is a statement of extreme exaggeration to show emphasis.

What types of satirical devices used in A modest proposal explain with examples?

Exaggeration, incongruity, reversal, understatement

Is exaggeration an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun exaggeration is an abstract noun; an exaggeration is opinion.

What is an exaggeration with a point?

An exaggeration with a point is when a statement is intentionally overstated for effect or emphasis, but there is an underlying truth or message being conveyed. It is often used in humor, storytelling, or persuasive writing to highlight a particular aspect or to make a point more compelling.

What does exaggeration and hyperbole have in common?

u use an exaggeration to make it a hyperbole. the definition of a hyperbole is an exaggeration!

Sentence for the word exaggeration?

That's an exaggeration of the truth!

What is exaggeration satire?

Exaggeration satire is a type of satire that relies on exaggeration to make a point. Exaggeration adds both to the humor of satire and helps illustrate the underlying message.

What are some examples of exaggeration?

"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." "I've told you a million times to clean your room." "I waited in line forever to get tickets."

Can you put exaggeration in a sentence?

That's an exaggeration! He is such an obvious prevaricator that I expect a larger exaggeration every time he speaks.

Can you make a sentence using the word exaggeration?

The story was an exaggeration of what actually happened. His exaggeration of what to expect left them all disappointed.

What is hyperbole and give examples?

A hyperbole is a figure of speech. It means- Hyperbole- an extreme exaggeration used in literature used to prove a point. Examples: He seemed to talk forever. My teacher gives me so much homework I need 3 Uhals to get all of it home.

What does a hyperbole mean in literary terms?

A hyperbole is an exaggeration. Examples: I am so hungry I could eat a cow! I've been waiting in line for centuries!