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Q: Examples of intracellular enzymes
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Contains enzymes for intracellular digestion?


These contain enzymes and are the main organelles of intracellular digestion?


What contains enzymes for intracellular digestion?

The Golgi apparatus. It creates lysosomes.Lysosome: Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes necessary for intracellular digestion. They are common in animal cells, but rare in plant cells.

Which organelles release enzymes for intracellular digestion?

Lysosyme performs the intrcellular digestion.They are filled with digestive enzymes.

Differentiate extra and intracellular enzymes?

An extracellular enzyme is one which reacts outside of the cell. An intracellular enzyme is one which reacts inside of the cell.

What is meant when catalase is described as an 'intracellular enzyme'?

Intracellular enzymes act inside cells and are responsible for catalyzing reactions that are occurring in metabolic pathways in the chloroplast.

Why do hormones cause a cell to modify a variety of intracellular process?

During protein kinase activation, enzymes phosphorylate many other enzymes

Main organelles of intracellular digestion?

In the process of intracellular digestion, lysosomes are the main organelles. Lysosomes contain enzymes that are made by cells, and their primary function is to digest things.

What are the small bodies in the cytoplasm that contain powerful digestive enzymes?

The lysosomes perform intracellular digestion.

What cellular structures is involved in intracellular digestion Golgi apparatus ribosomes lysosomes?

The main cellular structures involved in intracellular digestion are lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus. Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes that break down complex molecules, while the Golgi apparatus modifies and packages these enzymes for transport to the lysosomes. Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis and do not directly participate in intracellular digestion.

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Why Extracellular enzyme activity is easier to determine compared to Intracellular enzyme?

It is because extracellular enzymes act under very hostile conditions in nature, so their activity is more resistant than intracellular activity.