

Exercising but am not losing weight?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Maybe your just not doing it long or hard enough do it for at lest 30 minutes. run and try to do push ups. If you have a trampoline jump and move around on it alot. and look up some basic easy good workouts on YouTube i did and I got skinny. but if not you probably dont have enough matabilism.. love jujub my nick name lol>

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15y ago
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Q: Exercising but am not losing weight?
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Is dieting an appropriate way to lose weight?

Losing weight is neither that tough nor that restrictive. Losing weight is all about eating right exercising. It lies in a basic physics law-energy intake should be less than energy expenditure.

Why might you not be losing weight?

Well you might not be losing weight because you are not doing the right things. Go to this website Lose weight without any stress all you have to do is to take 2 pills per day and you can start seeing results in the first

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Yes, you can lose weight in your thighs by losing water, which includes taking diuretic pills. You can also lose weight in your thighs by swimming in the water and exercising.

Do you gain muscle first when you walk miles?

Yes, that is why you might find that your weight increases initially when you start exercising. Then you start losing weight as you burn off fats.

how do i know if i am doing self care correctly?

If you are eating healthy (veggies and fruits), and exercising often. If you are doing those things you should be losing weight.

How can you lose weight out exercising?

There are plenty of ways of losing weight without working out. Some methods are: Sleeping in earlier, drinking dark coffee instead, Take Half to Go, No other liquids other than water. These are just a few of the many ways to lose weight without exercising.

How do you stop losing weight?

Eating more, exercising less. If it is still a problem, you should consult a doctor to make sure that there is no underlying medical reason for the weight loss, like a thyroid condition.

Is there any way to lose weight without dieting and exercise?

There are some surgical alternatives, but they are only for very specific cases. Losing weight by eating less and exercising more is the best alternative.

What exercise helps to lose weight from the arms and will doing the same exercise daily be harmful or slow down weight loss?

Unfortunately you can't choose which locations to lose fat from first. Exercising in any form (short of exercising jaw muscles eating) is going to do wonders for losing weight in conjunction with a moderate diet.

Does exercising help you gain weight?

Yes, you may think that exercising helps you loose weight but that is incorrect. Exercising builds musclewhich adds weight to your body.MJC