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the JMP command jumps from

a line in the script to another when it is read:

JMP here

INC ax

here: DEC ax

the program will skip the phase that increases ax. (make sure you tag the line it needs to jump to like in the example)

you can also use JMP as an "if" command, for example JAE(Jump if Above or Equal) with the CMP (CoMPare) command like so:

CMP ah, al

JAE here ;(if al is not below ah...)

INC ax ;(increase ax by 1)

JMP there ;(exit the if command)

here: DEC ax ;(else, decrease ax by 1)

there: [the rest of your program]

there are JMP commands for every greater lower and or equal situations.

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Q: Explain JMP instruction of 8086 processor with the help of one example?
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The 8086/8088 is the general purpose processor. The 8087 is the math co-processor for the 8086/8088.

What is 8086 processor?

it primarily running as a 16 bit it is so called as 8086

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The co-processor on an 8086/8088 is the 8087 math co-processor. The motherboard will be designed with an extra socket for the 8087, which then integrates with the 8086/8088 to make a single unified processor.

What is the size of the instruction queue in 8086?

In 8086 the instruction queue is 6 byte long. This is because even the longest 8086 instruction is 6 byte long. Thus it is possible to prefetch even the longest instruction in the instruction set.

How is the Intel 8086 architecture designed to incorporate pipelining?

Intel 8086 has two separate units for fetching the instruction and executing the instruction. Thus while executing one instruction other instruction can be fetched. Thus it avoids the waiting time for the Execution Unit to receive other instruction. Bus Interface Unit (instruction fetching unit) stores the fetched instructions in a 6 level deep FIFO. This improves overall speed of the processor.

Describe the functions of the 8086 queue?

The 8086/8088 instruction queue is a buffer that holds opcode bytes that have been prefetched by the bus interface unit. This speeds up operations of the processor by helping to reduce fetch latency, i.e. to improve the probability that an opcode byte fetched by the processor is already available.

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8086 means its a 8 bit processor and 86 is its model number

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What are the different PC motherboards compatible with 8086 processor?

No remotely modern motherboard is compatible with an 8086 processor. The old IBM PC clones from the early to mid 1980s would have been the only motherboards to support the 8086.