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The united states joined the war because Germany sank the famous ship the Luistania (killing hundeds of Americans) and cargo ships with submarines.

The u.s. joined the allies because they were fighting the Germans.

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Q: Explain why US joined the war on the side of the Allies?
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When did the US enter World War 1 with Allies?

The US joined the war on the side of the Allies on April 6, 1917.

Who join world war 2 with Britain?

France joined on the Allies side with Britain.

What side did Italy joined during World War 1?

The Allies, i.e Britain, France etc.

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Mexico was on the allies side when German submarines sunk 3 of their oil ships. So they joined in late in the war

Who were geramnies allies during World War 1?

Assuming that by "Geramnies" you mean Germany's then... Germany was in the side of the "Triple Alliance". This alliance consisted of Germany, Austro-Hungary and for part of the war, Italy. However in 1915, Italy joined the side of the allies after the secret Treaty of London. They were against the allies; the "Triple entente", which consisted of Britain, France and Russia. Later, in 1917, the Americans joined the war on this side.

Which side did Italy join during World War I?

Italy joined the the Allies because they thought the Allies would win. They are a very good guesser.

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The Allied Forces, as the US joined their side.

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Russia supported Serbia first, then when Germany entered the war (on the side of Austria-Hungary--the Central Powers), France and Britain joined in as well (on the side of Serbia--The Allies). Bulgaria joined in later (Central Powers), as did Italy (Allies). As it became truly a world war, Japan and the United States joined (part of the Allies), and so did the Ottoman Empire (Central Powers), and several other countries such as Portugal, Romania, etc. on the Allied side.

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Basically, the Vietnamese sides, north and south, each had allies and supporters. These allies joined with the troops in Vietnam. The US was on the side of the south. They lost.

Who were the Allies in War World One?

The Allies, also known as the Triple Entente, consisted of: * Britain * France * Russia Italy signed the Treaty of London in 1917, and switched sides to become on the side of the Allies, and also in 1917 the USA joined the war on the side of the Allies.

Did the Turkish change sides during the war?

Not unless you count neutral as a side. Turkey was a neutral nation until it joined the Allies in 1945.

Which country were not enemies of the US during the last part of world war 2?

Various countries which were at war with the Allies either became neutral or joined the Allies as World War II progressed and before the end of World War II: - The Soviet Union changed sides, joining the Allies, after being invaded by Germany in 1941. - Italy, an Axis member, surrendered in September 1943; the north continued to be occupied by the Nazis whilst the southern portion joined the Allies; it declared war on Japan on 14th July 1945. -- Romania entered the War on the Axis side in June 1941 and joined the Allies in August 1944 - Bulgaria entered the War on the Axis side in 1940 with the invasion of Romania and was defeated when the Soviet Union invaded in late 1944, and was thus effectively eleminated as an enemy of the Allies.