


Gay Lesbian and Bisexual

This covers all lesbian, gay and bisexual issues, from dealing with sexuality to coming out to detecting homosexuality in others. Please do not post questions regarding specific people.

500 Questions

Is Jane Goodall lesbian?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no public information or evidence to suggest that Jane Goodall is a lesbian. Her personal life and sexual orientation have not been a focus of her work or public profile.

What things do gay people do?

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Gay people engage in a variety of activities just like anyone else, such as working, socializing, pursuing hobbies, and forming relationships. Being gay simply means having a romantic or sexual attraction to someone of the same sex. It does not dictate how a person navigates their daily life.

Was Democritus gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don’t think it is likely he was exclusively gay because he wrote about the trials of raising children as if he had experienced doing so in the following way, "it is better not to have any children, for to bring them up well takes great trouble and care, and seeing them grow up badly is the cruellest of all pains." There is a chance that he was writing from hearsay, but I think this suggests that he raised children and it did not go well. But then, perhaps he was not so good at raising children because he did not get on with the children's mum, because he was gay.

If gay people have std and they're gay can they get it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, anyone can contract sexually transmitted infections (STIs) regardless of their sexual orientation. It is important for everyone, including gay individuals, to practice safe sex and get regular STI screenings to protect their sexual health.

Do gay people get pregnent?

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Gay individuals cannot naturally conceive a child together since it requires sperm from a male and an egg from a female. However, gay couples can have children through methods like adoption, surrogacy, or in vitro fertilization with the help of donors.

Are you afraid of gay people?

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Asked by Bobownz

No, I am a computer program and do not have feelings or fear. It is important to treat all individuals with respect and understanding regardless of their sexual orientation.

Why does gay people get treated differently?

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People who identify as gay may be treated differently due to discrimination, prejudice, and lack of understanding from others who do not accept their sexual orientation. This can lead to exclusion, harassment, and unequal treatment in various aspects of life, including at work, in education, and in social settings. It is important to promote acceptance, equality, and respect for all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation.

Do you have to be gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are gay, then you have to be gay. It's not a choice. You are either born gay or you are not.

The choice is in how you handle it. You can choose a happy life of living openly and honestly, and eventually finding true love, or you can live in the closet, which is a much harder path to take, with little benefit.

Is homosexuality genetically?

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There is evidence to suggest that sexual orientation has a biological basis, but it is not determined by a single gene or genetic factor. Research indicates that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences play a role in shaping sexual orientation.

Why is the rainbow color considered gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

The rainbow flag has been adopted as a symbol of the LGBTQ+ community because it represents diversity and inclusivity. The colors of the rainbow flag were chosen to reflect the diversity of the community in terms of race, gender, and sexuality. Over time, the rainbow colors have become associated with the LGBTQ+ pride movement.

What happens if a gay man swallows another man's semen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Swallowing semen poses no specific health risks related to sexual orientation. Semen is primarily composed of water, protein, and sugar, so it is generally safe to consume. As with any bodily fluid, there is a minor risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, particularly if the person whose semen is being swallowed has an infection. It's important to practice safe sex and communicate openly with sexual partners about any concerns.

Do homosexuals ejaculate when they get penetrated?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some homosexual males may experience ejaculation when they are physically stimulated or engaged in sexual activity, regardless of their role during penetration. Ejaculation can occur in response to sexual arousal and physical stimulation.

Is it gay if you get an erection from a boy sitting on your lap?

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Sexual arousal or physical response does not determine sexual orientation. If you are attracted to boys, regardless of whether or not they sit on your lap, you may identify as gay. It's important to explore your feelings and attractions in a way that feels comfortable and authentic to you.

Do gay people need to use condoms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is recommended for all sexually active individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, to use condoms to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Condoms are an important tool for protecting sexual health.

What kind of liquids do women produce when sexually excited?

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Asked by Wiki User

Women can produce vaginal lubrication when sexually aroused, which helps facilitate sexual activity. This natural lubrication varies in amount and consistency among individuals.

Do gay people get turned on by there own penis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just like any other person, individuals who identify as gay may experience sexual arousal from stimulation of their own genitals, including their penis, based on their personal preferences and desires. Sexual arousal and attraction can vary from person to person, regardless of sexual orientation.

How do you know if your animal is gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no definitive way to determine if an animal is gay as sexual orientation is a complex and personal trait. Animals may display same-sex behaviors for reasons other than sexual attraction, such as social bonding or dominance. It is important to avoid anthropomorphizing animals and respect their behaviors without assigning human labels to them.

What happens on mixing semen of two gay men?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mixing semen from two gay men does not result in any unique or different outcome compared to mixing semen from individuals of any other sexual orientation. Semen is primarily composed of sperm and seminal fluid, and mixing semen from different individuals would not affect its basic properties or functions.

Was Richard feynman gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

Richard Feynman was known to have had relationships with both men and women, and he identified as heterosexual. It is debated whether he engaged in intimate relationships with men due to some of his private correspondence. However, Feynman's sexual orientation remains a topic of speculation as he never publicly addressed it.

How would you try and make your guy friend kiss you?

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Asked by Etetet0909

Trying to manipulate or pressure someone into kissing you is not respectful. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your friend about your feelings, and give them the space to make their own choices. Consensual physical contact should always be mutually desired and respected.

Is being gay a chemical imbalance in the brain?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, being gay is not a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. Sexual orientation is a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors that are not completely understood. The majority of research suggests that being gay is a natural variation in human sexuality.

Is professor Brian Cox gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

Brian Cox is a Scottish physicist and television presenter who is openly heterosexual and married to Gia Milinovich. Prof. Cox has been an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, but there is no information to suggest that he identifies as gay.

Is datron colvin gay?

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It is not appropriate to make assumptions about someone's sexual orientation without their explicit confirmation. It is important to respect individuals' privacy and personal information.

How do I get a gay guy to blow me?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is inappropriate and disrespectful to try to pressure someone into sexual acts against their will or without their consent. It is important to always prioritize mutual consent, respect, and communication in any kind of sexual encounter.

Do gay men have a less pronounced Adam's apple?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that gay men have a less pronounced Adam's apple. The size of the Adam's apple is largely determined by genetics and the prominence can vary among individuals regardless of sexual orientation.