


Child Development

There are 133 million births every year, 247 births every minute, and four babies born every second. In their first few years of life, children experience rapid growth. Ask questions here about stages of development in children.

500 Questions

How can location affect development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Location can affect development by determining access to resources, such as water, food, and transportation. It can also influence economic opportunities, environmental factors, and social infrastructure that can impact the overall growth and well-being of a community or region. Additionally, location can affect cultural influences and historical context, shaping the identity and values of the people living in that area.

How does geographical location affect intellectual development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geographical location can affect intellectual development by influencing access to educational resources, exposure to diverse perspectives, and opportunities for cultural enrichment. For example, living in a rural area with limited educational institutions may hinder intellectual growth compared to living in a city with robust educational infrastructure. Additionally, proximity to centers of innovation and learning can shape intellectual pursuits and interests.

How can the lack of water affect development of a country?

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Asked by Wiki User

The lack of water can negatively impact a country's development by impacting basic needs such as agriculture, sanitation, and hygiene. This can lead to food and water scarcity, malnutrition, and diseases, which in turn can affect the health and productivity of the population. Insufficient water availability can also hinder industrial and economic growth, limiting opportunities for development.

How does location affect development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Location can affect development by influencing access to resources, infrastructure, and opportunities. Proximity to markets, transportation networks, and skilled labor can support economic growth. Additionally, location can impact exposure to natural disasters, climate change, and other environmental factors that can affect social and economic development.

Why do diseases occur more often in rural areas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Diseases can occur more often in rural areas due to factors such as limited access to healthcare facilities, lower levels of education and awareness about prevention measures, challenges in implementing public health programs, and a higher prevalence of certain risk factors such as poor sanitation and limited resources for timely diagnosis and treatment.

What age do children lose sensitivity to sounds that are not part of the language spoken by people around them?

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Asked by Wiki User

Children typically begin to lose sensitivity to sounds not present in their native language between 6-12 months of age. This process, known as phonetic narrowing, helps infants focus on the specific sounds relevant to their native language.

At what age do children begin to use language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Children typically begin to use language around 12-18 months of age. They start with simple sounds, then progress to single words, and eventually form two-word phrases. Language development varies from child to child.

Name the 4 important conditions of maritime development?

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Asked by MizzTillman

The 4 important conditions of maritime development include access to international markets, availability of skilled labor, access to financing, and a supportive regulatory environment. These factors are crucial for the growth and sustainability of maritime activities.

How old child can give his first and last name?

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Asked by Wiki User

Children typically start being able to say their first and last names between the ages of 2 and 3 years old, although some may be able to do so as early as 18 months. This skill can vary depending on each child's individual development and exposure to their name.

What terminology would some theorists use to describe the innate language processor that children are born with?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some theorists might refer to the innate language processor that children are born with as a "universal grammar," a term popularized by Noam Chomsky. This concept suggests that children have an innate ability to acquire language due to a set of underlying linguistic principles that are shared across all languages.

How do Bayley test results need to adjusted for a 3 year old with apraxia of speech only says one word at a time and very inconsistently for the 8 words he says?

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Asked by Wiki User

For a child with apraxia of speech, adjustments can be made in the Bayley test by providing additional time for the child to respond to prompts, using gestures or visuals to support understanding, and considering the child's overall communication abilities rather than just focusing on verbal responses. It's important to work closely with a speech-language pathologist to determine the most appropriate adaptations for the child's specific needs.

What does it mean when my 2 year old talks in 3rd person?

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Asked by Seanpruizruizfb1238

Talking in the third person at age 2 is a normal part of language development as young children learn pronouns. It's a way for them to reinforce their own identity and understand that they are a separate individual. It typically resolves as they develop better language skills and grasp the concept of pronouns.

How did my child develop autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The exact cause of autism is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic predisposition, prenatal factors, and early brain development are thought to play a role in the development of autism. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a personalized understanding of your child's condition.

How did the interactions affect the development?

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Asked by Wiki User

The interactions played a crucial role in shaping the development by providing opportunities for learning, socialization, and acquiring new skills. Positive interactions can lead to enhanced cognitive, emotional, and social growth, while negative interactions may hinder development and lead to challenges in various areas. Overall, interactions are essential for individuals to learn and grow within their environments.

What factors hinder development of a country?

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Asked by Wiki User

Factors that can hinder the development of a country include political instability, corruption, lack of access to education and healthcare, inadequate infrastructure, high levels of income inequality, and environmental challenges such as natural disasters or resource depletion. These factors can create barriers to economic growth, social progress, and overall stability within a country.

Why it is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risk behaviours?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risk behaviors because it helps them make informed decisions and better understand the potential consequences of their actions. This knowledge empowers them to make healthier choices and avoid harmful behaviors that may have long-lasting negative effects on their well-being. Understanding these risks also allows teenagers to develop critical thinking skills and build resilience to resist peer pressure.

What are the factors that negatively effect the development of a country?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some factors that can negatively affect the development of a country include political instability, corruption, inadequate infrastructure, lack of access to education and healthcare, natural disasters, poor governance, and economic inequality. These issues can hinder economic growth, social progress, and overall development of a country.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a post it note observation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of post-it note observations include their simplicity, ease of use, and ability to capture quick insights. Disadvantages may include limited space for detailed information, potential for notes to be lost or misplaced, and the need to transcribe or transfer observations to a more permanent record.

Why is basic conflict on different stages of growth and development of an individual should take into consideration in Erickson's Psychosocial Development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Erikson's Psychosocial Development theory emphasizes the role of conflicts at each stage of development. These conflicts are crucial for the individual's psychological growth and maturity. By successfully resolving these conflicts, individuals develop important virtues that shape their sense of identity and ability to engage with the world.

Why do adolescents struggle a lot?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adolescents often struggle due to a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors including hormonal changes, brain development, identity formation, peer pressure, and transitioning to more responsibilities and expectations. This period of development can lead to challenges with emotional regulation, decision-making, and self-esteem, making it a time of significant growth and adjustment. Supportive relationships, coping strategies, and open communication can help adolescents navigate this stage successfully.

How does isolation in childhood affect development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Isolation in childhood can lead to difficulties in forming social relationships, communication skills, and emotional regulation. It may also impact cognitive development and academic performance. Children who experience isolation may struggle with low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression in the long term.

How can a reflex lead to a voluntary learned behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a reflex occurs in response to a specific stimulus, the brain can reinforce associated voluntary behaviors that follow the reflex. Through repetition and reinforcement, the brain can learn to anticipate and control the reflex response, turning it into a voluntary learned behavior. This process involves the formation of new neural pathways and connections that link the reflex with the voluntary behavior.

Is it bad for 17-year-old to cry for more than two hours?

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Asked by Wiki User

If a 17-year-old is crying for more than two hours, it could indicate that they are experiencing significant emotional distress. It's important to check in with them, provide support, and consider seeking help from a mental health professional if needed. Extended periods of crying can be a sign that the individual is struggling and may benefit from additional support.