

Food is preserved by adding what other than salt?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Food is preserved by curing with salt, smoking, pickling, drying, or canning.

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Q: Food is preserved by adding what other than salt?
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Fruit jams are not preserved with sodium chloride; it is rarely added to improve the taste.

What product preserved food and added flavor during the renaissance?

salt and spices

How is salt used to flavor food?

Adding salt the taste of foods is improved.

How did aboriginal people store food?

Aboriginal people stored food in caves or in the ground to keep it cool. They also preserved meat with salt and other spices to keep it from spoiling.

What helps to preserve food and adds flavor?

Salt is used to preserve food along with adding taste.

What are the ways by which food can be preserved and stored?

drying, salt water marination, freezing, canning, pickling,

Why was salt so important in Africa years ago?

It preserved the meat and food instead of a refrigerator, which they didn't have.

What is a word for adding salt pepper or spices to a food to improve its flavor?

to season

What do you do for food too salty?

Adding sugar would only make a dish sweeter and not reduce the salt content. If the food is a soup or stew, adding potato will thicken the soup and absorb some of the salt. However, adding a liquid, such as water or dairy products, will increase the proportion of liquid to salt, therefore thinning out the salty taste.

What are some foods that could be preserved by salt?

Fish, meats, cabbage, and beans are very commonly preserved by salt.

What should you use to preserve food?

Nowadays, preserving food usually means keeping the food in a fridge, or freezing for longer storage in a freezer. Other methods is salting fish, meat, either with salt crystals or steeping in brine (salty water). Then there is smoking, as in smoked salmon, herring, kippers, etc. Fruit can be preserved by slow drying or being preserved in sealed jars filled with a sugary solution. Fruit can also be preserved as a jam.