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You have probably screwed up your metabolism because of your years of starving yourself. Your body will take some time to become used to getting food again and you will soon start losing weight providing you are not eating too much.

Make sure you follow a healthy diet, and eat regularly.

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Q: For 3 yrs drank coffee all day and only ate dinner. Eating again and gained 40 lbs in 5 mos. How do I lose weight on one meal a day?
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well it depends. what have you been eating? well it depends. what have you been eating? well it depends. what have you been eating?

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No eating late doesn't matter what matters is duration between sleep and meal if you sleep as soon as you have dinner your body can't digest it properly so you will gain weight. If you want to loose weight quickly go check my profile may be it can help you out!

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By eating a lot. Nuts, cheese and pasta recommended.

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A bit yes, but it has been cold out and eating seems a better expendature of time then exercising at the moment.

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because once you lose the weight lots of the time you start gaining back your bad eating habits. or if you lose weight too fast you will regain it

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it is a weight-sensitive alpaca on its own eating schedule that also is a chatterbox.