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your transmission is shot,have it repaired before it stops going forward and leaves you stranded somewhere

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Q: Ford Explorer won't go in reverse. It just makes a lound windingsound like a power dirll. Drives fine forward but makes the sound when slowing down.?
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What would cause the car to jolt forward when slowing down?

Letting go of the pedal or pushing the gas pedal.

What happen to object with velocity and acceleration in opposite directions?

It slow down, and eventually reverse direction.

If a train is slowing down is it accelerating?

This depends on how you define your axes. Let's assume they're defined as normal (being positive is accelerating, negative is breaking, and for velocity positive is driving forward, negative is driving in reverse). Then of course, you are speeding up. This simply means the train was in reverse, but it's accelerating in the positive direction now.

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At this time (August 2012) unfortunately, no. Research is ongoing to find ways of slowing or stopping damage to the brain caused by HD.

Can a moving body have velocity and acceleration in opposite directions explain with in example?

Of course. A car with brakes applied and slowing down has forward velocity and rearward acceleration.

The term deceleration means?

slowing down.

What forces help stop airplanes?

The natural force of drag assists in slowing down the plane. However, once a plane lands, it uses spoilers, brakes, and reverse thrust to stop.

What is slowing down motion?

its when something is slowing down

What causes a Ford Explorer battery gauge to drop when slowing down?

It is usually caused by a couple of things,first cause is when slowing down the engine drops in RPM's thus causing your alternator to have a reduce charge output to the battery.Second cause could be indicative of a failing alternator.Best thing to do is have the alternator output checked. Good luck.

Gradually slowing down?

Gradually slowing down is 'decelerating'.

What is the antonym of synonym of accelerate?

Synonyms of accelerate: forward, speed up, advance, stimulate, quicken, hurry Antonyms of accelerate: decelerate, slow down, retard