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A. calvin-benson based on what i've search :)

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Q: Four of the five processes listed below degrade carbon compounds select the exception. A. Calvin-Benson cycle B. Kreb cycle C. Fermentation D. Respiration E. Glycolysis?
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The breakdown of organic compounds such as glucose in the absence of oxygen is called fermentation. The byproducts of fermentation differ from cellular respiration. Which of the following is a chem?


Which terms describes the process of breaking down of sugar or other organic compounds in the absence of oxygen which generates ATP and produces organic acids and or alcohol?

Anaerobic respiration also called glycolysis (or fermentation when the product is alcohol).

Fermentation occurs in the absence of?

Basically Fermentation is an Anaerobic respiration (i.e. Oxidation of energy compounds in the absence of oxygen).That means the answer to your question is 'oxygen'.

How is cellular respiration and fermentation similar?

They both are similar in releasing energy.In cellular respiration food is broken down to cell level and a lot of energy is produced and similarly in fermentation it is described that it is the process of getting energy from oxidation of organic compounds.

How many ATP are produced for glycolysis and in glycolysis?

It takes 3 carbon compounds produced for glycolysis and in glycolysis.

Is the procces of splitting a glucose molecule into 2 pyruvic acid molecules?

The anaerobic process of splitting glucose to form pyruvic acid is called glycolysis. The citric acid cycle is a series of reactions in aerobic respiration that begins and ends with the same 6 carbon compounds.

What process produces the most number of ATP molecules per glucose oxidized?

Fats produce the most ATP per gram. Fats because they are highly reduced compounds. Pats and proteins can be used as fuel in the cell because they can be converted to intermediates of glycolysis or the Krebs cycle.

Two different types of fermentation?

Fermentation is sometimes known as anaerobic respiration - because it usually occurs in the absence of oxygen. However, fermentation is the extraction of energy by oxidation of organic compounds. It does not necessarily have to occur in anaerobic conditions.

Which terms describes the process of breaking down of sugar or other organic compounds in the absence of oxygen which generates ATP and produces organic acids or alcohol?

Anaerobic respiration.The process is also called fermentation, but this term is used in different ways by different people. Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast, for example, is often called ethanol fermentation, and in animals the equivalent process is lactic acid fermentation.

What is the main difference between the starting compounds of fermentation and cellular respiration?

Their starting compound are different because fermentation takes in 2NAD+ and 2ADP molecules and changes them into 2NADH and 2ATP and 2 pyruvic acid molecules, while cellular respiration takes in electrons through electron carriers. What was this guy thinking when he made this answer....

Which two compounds react during fermentation?

During fermentation NADH reacts with pyruvic acid by passing high-energy electrons back to pyruvic acid. This action converts NADH back into the electron carrier NAD+, allowing glycolysis to continue producing a steady supply of ATP.

What happens during the CalvinBenson cycle or dark reaction?

the final product of the calvin benson cycle used to produce glucose is?