

Freezing instant mashed potatoes

Updated: 11/6/2022
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15y ago

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I just made shepherd's pie w/instant mashed potatoes and they didn't retain their potato-like texture, turned into much :-/

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Q: Freezing instant mashed potatoes
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How many weight watches points is a cup of instant mashed potatoes?

Instant mashed potatoes, made per the package instructions are 1 point per 1/3 cup serving. Therefore, a cup of instant mashed potatoes is worth three Weight Watchers points.

Where is mashed potatoes from?

Mashed potatoes come from the underground roots of plants. Farmers remove the potatoes from underground. Then, the potatoes are sold in stores and at farmer's markets. The potatoes are purchased, washed, peeled, sliced, cooked, and mashed with a potato masher or mixer. Also, instant mashed potatoes come from dried potatoes.

Are instant mashed potatoes diabetic?

Any type of mashed potatoes are starchy foods and high on the glycemic index, so they are not a good choice for anyone with diabetes.

How many cups are in 1 lb of instant mashed potatoes?

That is 2 cups

What is mashed potatoes made of?

mashed potatoes is made of a potato that farmers grow from a tiny seed in shallow soil. Then it is mashed up and butter and garlic is added.

Edward Anton asselberg?

Inventor of Instant Mashed Potatoes and the automatic apple pealer.

Can you freeze mash potatoes?

Yes, cooked mashed potatoes can be frozen for later use.Another response:Yes, it is possible to freeze cooked mashed potatoes, but freezing changes their texture, and most people find them unpalatable when re-heated.

Where were mashed potatoes made?

I think we need some clarification here. Are you asking where mashed potatoes were invented? Or do you want to know where modern instant mashed potatoes are made? I don't know if we can definitively answer the first question, because mashed potatoes are so basic. Potatoes are native to the Americas. I don't know if the native peoples mashed their potatoes or cooked them in some other fashion, but I do know that potatoes weren't introduced to Europe until Europeans conquered the Americas. The people in South America had already domesticated the potato by then. It seems reasonable to suppose that they might have boiled their potatoes, and sometimes mashed them, but I don't know if there is any evidence to prove that they did.

Is mashed potatoes a vegtable?

Yes, mashed potatoes are made from potatoes and are considered a vegetable.

Do mashed potatoes conduct electricity?

yeah, scientists have figured it out. but its POTATOES not mashed potatoes