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Based on the general will

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Q: From where does Rousseau see a government deriving its legitimacy and on what basis?
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France is a democracy, the government derives its legitimacy from the free vote of the people.

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That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among the men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

What did Jacques Rousseau write?

I would say that Rousseau's most important work is probably The Social Contract, which outlines the basis for a legitimate political order within a framework of classical republicanism.Apart from the book above he wrote novels, and is considered the father of the modern autobiography.

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Family relationships is the basis for government. This is in South of Sahara.

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Answer: Atheism is the official religion of the Chinese Government.

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The federal government should adopt accrual since there is a 1956 law that requires all government agencies to prepare accrual-basis financial reports. Also, accrual basis will show more information since it shows money that the government is owed and liabilities of the federal government.

What was the basis of the government during the apostolic age?

The basis of government during the apostolic age I would not nesserily call it govenment but the basis of the Apostolic Doctrine found in the entire book of Acts. See Acts of the Apostols.

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The basis of all government is the protection of human life. All other facets of governance are derived from this. S. Lukos

What formed the basis for government in many African societies south of the Sahara?

Family relationships formed the basis for government. Kinship groups formed the government of many African societies. Kinship, by the way, is a group related by adoption, blood, or marriage.