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Q: A government system in which the powers of government are divided on a geographic basis?
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Which system of government is not defined by a geographic distribution of powers?


A system of government in which some powers are divided and others are shared?

a type of government in which some powers are divided and others are shared?

A governmental system in which the power of government are divided on a geographic basis?


What is a system of government in which some powers are divided and others are shared?

Federalism is a form of government where some powers are divided and other powers are shared. A constitutional monarchy is an example of another form of government.

What is a system of government where the powers are divided between the states and the central government?


What is the federal system?

A system that divided powers between the states and the federal government.

A system that divided powers between the states and the federal government?


What is a Quasi federal system?

where the powers of government are divided and the concentration of power are in the hands of center government

A system of government in which some powers are divided and others are shared is called what?


A system of government in which some powers are divided and others are shared is called?


Is power divided between the national and state governments under the federal system of government?

Yes, with the stipulation that federal powers override the state powers.

What is a system of government in which powers are divided between a central government and several regional governments is called?

The system of government is known as Federalism. The process of dividing powers from the central government to the regions is known as devolution.