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Oxaloacetic acid is also produced when pyruvate is acted upon by pyruvate carboxylase in response to an excess of acetyl-CoA.

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It is origionally made in the cell then sent to mitochondria. Bit remember, it is regenerated each time during the Kreb's cycle!

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Q: From where does oxaloacetate come during kreb's cycle?
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What come after glycolysis?

After glycolysis you will go through bridging reaction to the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle because of the use of citric acid. the reducing power generated indirectly helps to power oxidative phosphorylation that occurs, which yields a total of 34 ATP's from one glucose molecule. Good luck

Your period only last 3 days what is your cycle?

to tell when your cycle is the first day your period come on til the next time and come on this will give you the amount of days that is in your cycle and then you will not your cycle the amount of day you bleed does not tell you your cycle but i will say this since you cycle is 3 days you may have 26 or 28 day cycle

What types of molecules are broken down to make ATP where do they come from?

Well, your body makes ATP by cellular respiration. This has 3 (or 4) sections to it: Glycolisis, PreKrebs, Krebs, and the ETC or ETS. Glycolisis is the first section, this takes place in the cytoplasm of a cell. Glucose, which is a six carbon molecule, is the first molecule to be broken down to create ATP. You gain this glucose by consuming it. It can be found in complex carbohydrates. Other molecules are broken down but are broken down at later sections of glycolisis and the rest of cellular respiration. For example glycogen is broken comes into the cycle before the glucose is converted into Fructose 6 phosphate. Fats are some of the next to come into the cycle. Glycerols break down in PGAL ( Phosphoglyceraldahyde) while fatty acids break down into Acetyl- CoA. Finally you have the proteins, which breaks down into amino acids which breaks down into NH3 ( which goes into urine) and carbon backbones which joins the cycle as Pyruvate, Acetyl CoA, and later in the Krebs cycle.

Where does oxygen come from in oxidative phosphorylation?

when you breathe in, you breathe in oxygen which is then transported to your cells and they use it to and food to respirate.

What is the example of electron transport chain?

Just rearrange words from the definition.. (Usage of high-energy electrons from the Krebs Cylce to convert ADP into ATP).So you could say something like:"ADP is converted to ATP using high-energy electrons that come from the Krebs Cycle through the Electron Transport Chain."Or, if you're lazy/don't mind failing your class, just put something along these lines:"I don't like the Electron Transport Chain.""The Electron Transport Chain has a very long name."I really hope that this helps!!(:Oh.. and even though this is very irrelevant.. My YouTube is Brandino69chu.It would be amazing if you could sub and give me ideas on what to post?

Related questions

Where did the first carbon come from in the Krebs cycle?

If by "first carbon" you mean the first CO2 released in the cycle then the answer is, from OAA. NOT from acetyl CoA.

Where do the reactants for the Krebs cycle come from?

They are the end products of glycolysis. ** ^wrong, in between glycolysis and the kreb's cycle is pyruvic acid oxidation

What types of molecules are produced in the Krebs cycle?

One ATP is formed, along with three NADH, and two CO2. (? re:numbers) A number of different molecules are involved during the Kreb's [citric acid] Cycle, but those are the products that come out of the cycle. (Good).

Significance of Krebs cycle?

The Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle, is a critical part of cellular respiration that generates energy in the form of ATP. It acts as a central hub for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, producing molecules necessary for the electron transport chain to create more ATP. The cycle also generates precursors for the synthesis of important biomolecules like amino acids and nucleotides.

Where do the electrons moving along the inner membrane come from?

Electrons from the Krebs cycle to convert ADP into ATP.

Does glycolosis or Krebs cycle come first?

Glycolysis occurs first in cellular respiration, taking place in the cytoplasm, while the Krebs cycle occurs after glycolysis in the mitochondria. Glycolysis breaks down glucose into pyruvate, which then enters the Krebs cycle to produce ATP.

The role of atp in muscle contraction is to supply energy for?

Aerobic and anaerobic pathways. instant energy comes from anaerobic pathways (Glycolysis) and long durations come from aerobic pathways (Krebs cycle).

Where does most of the heat generated by the body come from?

The heat that is generated by the body comes from the food you eat. The oxidation of pyruvic acid (from glucose) into CO2, water and energy is called Krebs cycle. This cycle occurs only in the presence of oxygen. Hence it is an aerobic process. It takes place in the mitochondria.

From where the blood come during menstural cycle?

This comes from the uterus (womb) as the 'old' lining seperates and is 'flushed' away: ready for the new cycle to start.

What is the main products from the kreb's cycle?

this is reaction done by micro organisms in this oxidation reaction taking place between oxygen and carbohydrate/ fat/ proteins. from this main product is energy gain by micro organisms and by product CO2 and water given out . this CO2 and water taken by plant to from carbohydrate/ fat/ protein. such a way this cycle take place.

Where do extra ATP molecules come from in the Calvin Cycle?

The extra ATP molecules needed for the Calvin Cycle come from the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, specifically from the electron transport chain in the thylakoid membrane. Here, the energy from sunlight is used to generate ATP through the process of photophosphorylation.

What process is cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is the process by which cells break down glucose and other organic molecules to produce energy in the form of ATP. It occurs in the mitochondria of the cell and involves three main stages: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. Oxygen is consumed during cellular respiration, and carbon dioxide and water are produced as byproducts.