

Functions of protiens

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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The major function of protein is to Gard against invasion.

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What are functions of protiens?

Enzymatic protiens: selective acceleration of chamical reactionsStructural protiens: supportStorage protiens: storage of amino acidstransprot Protiens: transport of other substancesHormonal Protiens: Coordination of an organism's activitiesReceptor protiens; Response of cell to chemical stimuliContractile and motor Protiens: MovementDefensive protiens: Protection against disease

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The Golgi body functions to package and modify proteins within a cell.

What are made of amino acids and have a variety of functions in the body?

Protiens are made of amino acids, and they perform all kinds of funtions in cells and in the body.

Are proteins the most diverse class of macromolecules?

Yes, protiens perform many functions; this diversity of function is made possible by the diversity of protein structures.

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protiens help the pancreas because the protiens are also combined with nutrieans

Protiens are made by joining what?

Protiens are made of amino acids bonded together in polypeptide bonds.

Protiens are synthesized in?


What is a monomer for protiens?

Amino acid.