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It is not uncommon to gain weight when you start a regiment of exercise and dieting. This is because although you are losing fat mass, you are gaining muscle mass - and muscle tissue is heavier than fat tissue. This is especially true if you start this regiment from a sedentary lifestyle in which case your muscles will be very underdeveloped and will respond very quickly to exercising them. It's nothing to be concerned with, however because things will quickly even out as your muscles grow to size they need to be to accommodate your new level of fitness, but your excess fat level will continue to reduce. Its also important to keep in mind that muscle tissue burns calories just by being there, so by gaining muscle weight you're both raising your metabolism and making your body a more effective fat-burning machine.

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Q: Gaining weight when exercising diet but losing weight on diet alone What is the problem?
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Why does exercising make you gain weight?

It doesn't. It makes you gain muscles. Chances are though that you're gaining muscles without losing excess fat if you're exercising to lose weight. Just start doing short, intense cardio and you'll start to lose some body fat.

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Eating more, exercising less. If it is still a problem, you should consult a doctor to make sure that there is no underlying medical reason for the weight loss, like a thyroid condition.

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No. Not necesarily. Losing or gaining weight quickly isn't healthy for you

If you are gaining weight but losing fat is that ok?

Yes. If you are working out and gaining muscle tone, then it is reasonable that you may gain a little weight (a few pounds) or not lose as much weight as you normally would have if you were just losing "fat" weight. It is good that you are losing fat! In addition, you may be putting on some water weight as your body adjusts. This will go away completely within a few weeks or so. If this is not the case, and you are losing "fat" but still gaining weight, you may want to see a nutritionist or doctor to find out why that would be happening. Absent of that, there is nothing wrong with gaining a few pounds of muscle as you lose fat.

If you work out too much will you stop losing weight?

Yes you will stop losing weight because you have lost too much and then will start GAINING weight if you work out too much.

How can my baby lose weight safely?

A baby should never be losing weight. It should only be gaining weight as it grows.

When you start to loss weight you always gain weight - why is this and what should you do?

Well if you're ONLY dieting than the diet is probably the wrong one. But if your EXERCISING then you're probably gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so your losing fat on your body but gaining muscle mass. You should do a body fat percentage for your body, it will help you understand the weight gain.

What is the best method to losing weight and gaining muscle?

move more and eat less

Whether exercise and morning walk is for gaining or losing weight?


What is a weight gain diet for gaining muscle?

Well, I would recommend exercising daily or regularly for longer periods of time to ensure gaining weight on the body, but not fat. That way, the person is still healthy.

Is size 8 to size 10 too fat for a body piercing?

Nope. The main issue with weight and piercings is gaining/losing weight. If you plan on losing weight, dont get it done now.