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Well if you're ONLY dieting than the diet is probably the wrong one. But if your EXERCISING then you're probably gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so your losing fat on your body but gaining muscle mass. You should do a body fat percentage for your body, it will help you understand the weight gain.

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Q: When you start to loss weight you always gain weight - why is this and what should you do?
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If you are starving yourself to lose weight and start eating again how do you prevent weight gain?

Don't starve yourself to lose weight. Your body will just gain back all the weight you lost. you see when you starve yourself your body needs something to use for energy AKA calories, so it takes what you have stored, which sounds really attractive but once you start eating normally again your body stores the calories again. so the healthiest way to lose weight is exercise regularly and eat a healthy balanced diet.If your starve yourself to lose weight, then once you start eating. Start with soups and smoothies and gradually introduce light solids. This should help prevent weight gain. Eat a healthy diet, and exercise is always recommended.

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I did not gain any weight when I was taking citalopram for depression and as far as I can remember weight gain is not one of the side effects if you are really worried about weight gain you could always ask your doc about effexor I've done really well on that and definitely no weight gain

How do you gain weight according to a Doctor?

Well sir, I have been a doctor for 3 years now and the most common answer is simply to start binge eating. Chilly or peaanut butter and jelly are always good choices. Why do you wanna gain weight anyway bra?

What is a safe and healthy amount of weight gain during a normal pregnancy?

I've had 2 babies and my doctor always told me that if a person is a normal weight, the weight gain should be between 25 and 35 pounds. A little more if you're underweight and a little less if you're overweight. But please keep in mind that everone is different and no amount of weight gain is "wrong".