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Yes, you will gain weight in muscle.

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Q: Will you gain weight if you start taking a protein supplement?
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What age to start eating protein bars and shakes?

You can start eating protein bars and shakes at 3 or 4. Excessive protein is bad for you, but as a supplement it will benefit almost everyone.

What happens if you drink too much protein without working out?

Protein bars can be used as replacement bars for regular meals or to supplement your daily intake of protein. If you are taking protein to replace a regular meal then you don't have anything to worry about. If you are eating protein bars to gain muscle then you have to make sure that the calories from the bars do not exceed your maintenance calorie intake. You will know if you are eating too many calories because your weight will start to increase.

Can you lose too much weight taking Topamax?

no when you first start taking it you will lose a couple of pounds at first then the longer your on it you stop losing weight

If your protein is fairly low and you work out on a regular basis what changes will you notice once you start taking a protein supplement?

You may be able to build muscle mass quicker, you'll also be able to drop fat quicker. G-proteins are trimeric, found on cytoplasmic side. Note that they are called G-protein coupled receptors (receptor protein that are coupled to G-proteins) receptor proteins vary but GCPR have common G-proteins transducing signal. e.g.: receptor protein could be 7TM for examplenecessary for growth of muscles

Does Creatine 189 do anything weird?

Yes, When taking Creatine 189 you will start to poop out the shell of the pill. Creatine 189 is a great supplement to use.

Will a firm mattress reduce leg cramps?

I have been told it will but I am not sure...start taking calcium supplement everyday,supposedly will mattress will not help.

Will taking creatine cause weight loss?

No, when you start taking creatine you'll actually begin to put on weight as your muscles begin to store the creatine along with the water to process it. This results in a noticeable increase in muscle size and weight.

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping an anti-depressant?

Well that depends on a lot of things, like how much weight you put on, where the weight is, and what you are willing to do to work it off. Are you off of the anti-depressant due to excessive weight gain? Taking the supplement 5-HTP helps to naturally increase the body's level of serotonin (if your medication had anything to do with serotonin) and helps to control the appetite. Dieting and excercise will help to jump start your weight loss, start eating right and do some aerobics! It's hard to just hear "anti-depressant" with no amount of weight gain and be able to answer your question.

How do you suggest starting a high protein diet?

You can start a high protein diet by increasing your protein intake such as egg and meat. Taking a daily multi-vitamin is a good way to keep your body balanced with other minerals and vitamins.

Is the best way to gain weight to take your protein pre and post-workout and take Creatine right after a workout?

Protein is best after a workout. Muscles rip during exercise and the rebuilding process is what makes them stronger. That's when you need the protein. Also, protein before a workout can cause digestive issues during that workout. ______________________________________________________________________ Answer:Creatine actually causes your muscle cells to absorb more water which makes them look bigger which gives us an illusion of extra size and mass. Effectively speaking, once you cut down on your creatine intake, the muscles would start releasing the excess water and you may end up feeling your muscles shrink in size. But, one good thing about creatine is that, it helps you gain that extra strength needed to do heavy workouts. Though it only packs water into our muscles, a properly administered dosage/cycle of creatine can help you in gaining weight and strength.

Can a protein shake be taken in the morning?

You bet, studies prove that taking whey protein in the morning will help you consume the beneficiary protein amount that your body requires to start off the day. Taking a meal replacement type protein which included a lot of calories is also advisable foe builders lifting heavy weights or on the gaining phase of their workout regime.

What is a safe age to start taking weight loss shakes?

3 years of age according to my physician.