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Q: Great Britain and the American colonies were sharply divided on the question of wheather the power of legislation entailed the authority to tax. Which had the better argument?
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In 1776 parliament passed the which stated that parliament had the authority to pass legislation for the colonies in all matters?


What prevented parliament from asserting its authority in the American colonies before 1760?

its assumption that its authority had already been established

How did the English monarchy move to consolidate its authority over the American colonies?

No one in the American colonies had a position in parliament. Also tariffs were enforced as a means of control.

What was designed to assert British authority over north American colonies?

The Townshend act

What cut off all trade between the American colonies and England and removed the colonies from the kings Protection?

The Prohibitory Act was British legislation in late 1775 that cut off all trade between the American colonies and England, and removed the colonies from the King's protection.

What was not a common argument given in support of the American colonists declaration of independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

What was a common argument given in support of the American colonists Declaration of Independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

What was not a common argument given in support of the American colonist's declaration of Independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

What was not a common argument given in support of the American colonists' Declaration of Independents?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

Was not a common argument given in support of the American colonists' declaration of independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

What was not a common argument to support American colonist Declaration of Independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

Which conclusion can be drawn from this image to support the argument that Europeans were economically exploiting their American colonies?

For Europeans to produce finished goods, they used monopolies to force their colonies to supply them with raw materials.