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What did newspapers cost in 17th century?

In the 17th century, newspapers were a relatively new form of media and were considered a luxury item. Prices varied depending on factors such as location, content, and frequency of publication, but they were generally expensive. Some newspapers could cost as much as a few pence, which was a significant amount of money for the common person at that time.

What is Dutch money called?

The Dutch use the Euro in common with much of mainland Europe in the European Union. From the 17th Century to 2002 they used the guilder, which means "golden."

How did science and superstition affect Europe in the 17th century?

it effected it very much.

How much did slaves sell for back in the 17th century?

The price of a slave in the 17th century varied widely depending on age, health, skills, and location. On average, a slave could sell for anywhere between $500 to $1,000 or more, with some rare cases fetching much higher prices.

What role did religion play in the 17th century in English society?

Religion played a significant role in 17th-century English society, with religious beliefs influencing politics, culture, and daily life. The century was marked by religious conflict, including the English Civil War between Royalists and Parliamentarians. The establishment of the Church of England and the rise of Puritans were key religious developments during this period.

How much should the Church of Catholic hold in 1600s?

Roman Catholic AnswerIf you are asking how much of the faith the Church held in the 17th century, it should always be 100% regardless of the century.

How much a house did cost in the 1800s in England?

A house in 17th Century England would cost £300 on average

How much would it cost to build a 17th century mansion today?

Depends on the size, if the average one, about 300k in rural place

Where did goth came from?

'Goth' is actually a time from the 17th century. It was a dark, black time of murder, grief and pretty much dark evil.

Who was Louis XIV and Louis XV?

Louis XIV was king of France for much of the 17th century and into the early 18th century. Louis XV was king of France in the 18th century.Louis is not important and history is boring.

How much did eyeglasses cost to make in 19th century England?

a lot of money man a lot of money.

The 17th century divine right of monarchs of Western Europe justified their authority in much the same way as the?

emperors of China who claimed the mandate of heaven.