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Oh yes, many. In the old days it often depended on who was the King. many wanted to make a name for themselves and they would go to war for it. We conquered a big part of Europe actually. What wars Sweden has been in you can see in the link below.

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The answer is not simple. Switzerland gained full independence and autonomy in 1815 and (apart from a minor internal conflict in 1847) has not been in any war since that time.

Beginning in 1291, the central part of what is now Switzerland, the canton of Schwyz and its neighbors began a series of conflicts with Austria and with Burgundy (France) and became increasingly independent from the Holy Roman Empire. In 1798, Switzerland was invaded and overrun by the French under Napoleon. Partial independence was restored in 1803 but the Swiss continued to resist Napoleonic France and France's German allies. When Napoleon's empire was broken up at the Congress of Vienna, 1815, the modern Switzerland was awarded several new Cantons and the 195 years of peace ensued.

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Yes. They were behind 9/11.

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Q: Did Switzerland ever go to war with or against the US?
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