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Q: Has anyone spotted from weeks 3 to 6 LMP in pregnancy and not miscarried?
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What is the sign if you miscarried at four weeks of pregnancy?

Usually you will bleed and be really sick

Why does my pregnancy test still say I'm 2 weeks pregnant?

Either you are two weeks pregnant, or the hormones of a normal pregnancy stopped dividing - usually indicating the pregnancy has been miscarried.

Can a home pregnancy test show positive if you miscarried at a few weeks?

No your hcg levels should have gone back down

Should you have a d and c if you have not miscarried but your hormone levels are decreasing?

NO! My pregnancy hormones decreased and they thought it was a chemical pregnancy but my baby showed up on the ultrasound 2 weeks later. NO! My pregnancy hormones decreased and they thought it was a chemical pregnancy but my baby showed up on the ultrasound 2 weeks later.

Could you have miscarried if all pregnancy symptoms have disappeared by 9 weeks but you have not had any cramps or bleeding?

Normally the closer you get to the second trimester the better you start to feel.

Is it possible to be pregnant if your period was two weeks late with blood clots but when you took a hpt it was positive?

it is likely that you had a spontaneous miscarriage, which means you were pregnant but miscarried and that's why your hpt came out positive (the pregnancy hormone needs a while to get out of your system after having miscarried)

Pregnancy days after miscarriage?

When I miscarried I was told to act as that was the first day of my period so in effect I could conceive 2 weeks later as within a normal cycle

Im only 3 weeks pregnant and you started bleeding are you still pregnant?

This does not necessarily mean you've miscarried, but you need to see a doctor as soon as you can. My doctor told me there is not much anyone can do about a miscarriage until 23 weeks pregnant. When your situation happend to me, I was only two to three weeks, and it did not work out so well for me. I still tested positive on home pregnancy a week after my doctor confirmed I'd miscarried, so don't bother wasting money on those home test. Go see your doctor.

Miscarried about 3 weeks ago i still feel like I'm having pregnancy symptoms is that normal?

Yes, also you could get pregnant again very easily after a birth or miscarriage.

Is change in breast from sore to no longer sore common in early pregnancy or is it likely the sign of a misscarriage?

I had very sore breast, when I was pregnant, until 6 weeks when I found out I'd miscarried.

I miscarried at 6 weeks how long will the bleeding and cramps last?

Of course, every body (as well as every pregnancy and miscarriage) is different. I miscarried at 5w5d and bled (lots of clotting) for 1 week. From what I have heard from other m/c sufferers, that is relatively short, and I credit it to the fact that I was so early on in my pregnancy so I had less internal changes due to hormones and fetal growth. I am very sorry for your loss.

Is it possible to miss carry and be two weeks pregnant with another baby?

yes, if you miscarried two weeks or more ago.