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Q: Has Batman been killed, or died, in the comics or the movies?
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Does Batman's son become the next Batman?

He has just recently been killed off in the comics, so most likely he won't.

Who was dick grayson?

Dick Grayson is a character in DC comics who has been in several comics, cartoons, and movies. He is best known for being the boy wonder, Robin. Dick was the first one to be Robin and was Batman's first sidekick (except in The Batman). He latter became both Batman and Nightwing. Dick''s parents were killed along with the rest of his family in a circus accident and was then adopted by Bruce Wayne aka Batman.

Is there a book about Batman?

Obviously, there are many books about the Batman and his adventures. There have been novels for the Batman movies that were created in 2005 and 2008. There have been various other Batman books. But the most original book is the comic. In the 1960s, a member of DC Comics called Bob Kane created Batman and since then, Batman has been a huge hit.

Was batman ever an avenger?

No, Batman is a DC Comics character. The Avengers are a team of superheroes in the Marvel Comics universe. Batman has never been a member of the Avengers team.

Who killed batman's parents in batman begins?

Only in the 1989 movie Batman (Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson).In the comics (and the Dark Knight movie series), Batman's parents were murdered by a common thug named Joe Chill.

Has batman's real name always been Bruce Wayne?

Yes.Since the first issue of detective comics Batman.

Was the Mad Hatter ever killed?

The Hatter wasn't killed in either of Lewis Carroll's Alice books, nor was he killed in the 1951 Disney adaptation, Alice in Wonderland.In the Batman comics, it appeared he had been killed when he was run over by a train, but it later emerged that he had faked his death.

Is batman ever been evil?

No, but in the comics he sometimes loses it and tries to kill The Joker.

What is The Riddler's first name in Batman comics?

In the comics, movies, and animated series, the Riddler's "secret" identity is Edward Nigma (E. Nigma). The Riddler is played by actor Jim Carrey in Batman Forever.

Did flash the superhero got killed?

Yes in many comics he's been killed

Who came first Batman or Spider-Man?

Although Spider-Man has been around a while, Batman was first. Spider-Man first appeared in Marvel comics in 1962. Batman first appeared in Detective Comics, later to become DC, in 1939.

What year did the Batman comic book come out?

May 1939, in Detective Comics #27