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During WWII the United States had 48 states, hence 48 stars on the flag. Now there are fifty. The insignia used to identify the nationality of the US aircraft changed several times during WW2 and after WW2. During WW2, the "air force" was actually the ARMY AIR CORPS and served as part of the Army(a branch of service). The first insignia was a BLUE circle with a WHITE star and a red circle in center. Some feared the RED 'meatball' would be mistaken for the Japanese insignia, which was a simple RED circle. This was possible since the Navy's painted their a/c blue and the blue insignia would blend in with it. The next insignia removed the RED 'meatball' from the star. Then in 1943, the insignia was a BLUE Circle with WHITE star in the center and on each side of the Cirle was a WHITE Bar outlined in BLUE. The air force remained under the command of the US Army until 1947. At that time the insignia was changed to the present day design, which was same as above but with a RED stripe in the WHITE bars.

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Q: Has the US flag or other national symbols changed since World War 2?
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