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Yes, many times in the past we have seen higher levels then today.

Since 1850 we have been on a slightly upward trend in CO2 levels. This appears to be a normal reaction to the warming climate which began 10,200 years ago. Whenever we see a rise in temperature for a long period of time, we see that CO2 follows (never leads) the trend.

No CO2 in the atmosphere would kill off almost all plant life and with it, all animal life. CO2 levels may have change the past 150 years by as much as 0.008% (in total concentrations in our atmosphere 300 ppm to 380 ppm).

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Q: Has there been CO2 in the atmosphere forever?
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Why do CO2 levels increase over time?

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Why is the atmosphere warming?

The atmosphere is warming because the extra carbon dioxide (CO2) in the greenhouse gases of the atmosphere is holding in more of the sun's heat. There is extra CO2 in the atmosphere because by burning coal, oil and natural gas (fossil fuel) we have released CO2 that had been safely concealed underground for millions of years. This has put pressure on the carbon cycle which has not been able to remove it.

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The ocean is the main regulator of CO2 in the atmosphere because CO2 dissolves easily in it.

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Was the atmosphere composition always been made up of the same gases?

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How does too much CO2 in the atmosphere effect the climate?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere will make the climate hotter because it acts like a 'greenhouse' or blanket as it insulates heat in the atmosphere. CO2 allows heat to pass into the atmosphere but it doesn't allow heat to pass out into space. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere would trap the heat in the atmosphere, causing climate change.

CO2 makes up what percentage of atmosphere?

CO2 makes up approximately 0.03% of Earth's atmosphere

How has the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere changed over the past few years?

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing steadily over the past few years. This increase is primarily due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which release large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. The rising levels of CO2 contribute to global warming and climate change.

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Photosynthesis is a process that removes co2 from the atmosphere.

Does the air have more or less carbon dioxide in it?

CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been rising since the start of the Industrial Revolution. i t depends. Note that the CO2 levels of Earth's atmosphere have varied considerably over the course of its existence. For example: CO2 levels during the Cretaceous period are estimated to have been about 6 times what they are right now.

Which rock removes CO2 from the atmosphere?

Limestone is a natural absorber of CO2.

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How long does co2 remain in the atmosphere