

Best Answer

the answer to your question is YES. I have had that mix breed and she was the best dog I every had!!!!! I have been looking, researching in the internet and skimming the local newspapers just to find another. So pretty much YES is the answer to that question. If you are trying to find that breed and you become successful in finding anything out please pleas email me with the info Thank You,

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Q: Has there ever been rat terrier pekingese puppies?
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What does a pekingese and cairn terrier mix look like?

I have a pekingese/cairn terrier mix who is 11 and he's the cutest dog you've ever seen! People tell me he looks just like a Benji. His face looks like a terrier. He weighs about 22 pounds, has longer hair that must be groomed, is blond with dark tips on his ears, and has long silky ears and tail. I think he's adorable. :)

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As long as you have trained them properly and treated them good if there not scared when ever but they might wee on you

How many puppies can a cairn terrier have?

First Answer: They generally live about 10-14 tears old but the oldest yet is about to be the oldest dog ever at 23 years of age. i hope i helped you! Second Answer: When not dying because of injuries or illnesses, cairn terriers live around 13-16. There average life is 15.

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when ever it is not the way it is usually been

Is the pitbull terrier the strongest dog ever?

the pitbull terrier is NOT the strongest dog ever but the strongest dog ever is the great dane(only full grown though).

How much does a pekingese dog weigh?

Hope this helps: Pekingese weigh from 7 to 14 lb (3.2 to 6.4 kg) and stand about 6--9 inches (15--23 cm) at the withers, however they can sometimes be smaller. These smaller Pekingese are commonly referred to as "Sleeve" Pekingese or just "Sleeves". The name is taken from ancient times, when emperors would carry the smallest of the breed in their sleeves. A Pekingese over 14 pounds is disqualified in the show ring. I know there is more than you asked here but I just added it anyway for extra detail if you ever wondered

Has a Scottish Terrier ever won Crufts?

Yes, a Scottish Terrier won Crufts in the year 1929.

What would you call a rat terrier and border collie mix?

a border terrier. i think. or a rat collie!

Will Maya rigley ever get a Yorkshire terrier?

There is a possibility that Maya Rigley will get a Yorkshire Terrier someday. She could change her mind and get a different breed.

How much does a paddington terrier cost?

I got my beautiful Paddington Terrier as a rescue puppy, so he was free. The best dog I have ever owned.

Do dogs ever have 100 puppies?

No, it's biologically impossible.

Is there fear of piranhas?

NO because no one in history has ever been eaten by a school of piranhas or even died after a bite you could swim with them tbh