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because he fought and eventually defeated the powerful Aztecs

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Q: Hernando Cortes is significant to the history of north America because he?
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Why is the martyrdom of Husayn a significant event in Muslim history?

the Martyrdom of Husayn is significant to Muslim history because it marks the split between Sunay, and Shia

Little mixing of ethnic groups took place throughout Central America's history because?

Answer this question…Little mixing of ethnic groups took place throughout Central America's history because?

Why is Columbus a significant figure in Canadian history?

Christopher Columbus? He isn't. America has Christopher Columbus, Canada has Lief Ericson, Cabot, and Cartier.

Why was madam cj walker significant in black history?

no she did not go to jail because she was a good woman

Why Hitler was highlighted in the history?

Hitler is remembered because he had a significant impact on history since he was responsible for the death of millions of people, including the genocide of about 6 million Jews.

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What is Hernando Cortes connected to in colonial history?

What is Hernando Cortes connected to in colonial history

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the Martyrdom of Husayn is significant to Muslim history because it marks the split between Sunay, and Shia

Why is amerigos exploration signifiCant in history?

Amerigo Vespucci was the first to discover that North and South America was not part of Asia, and therefore America is named after him.

What did Hernando Cortes contribute to history?

He contributed the fall of Tenochiltlan.

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