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Buddhism was invented from Hinduism by Lord Buddha. They both relate India laws of Moksha (liberation) or Nirvana (Liberation).

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Q: Hinduism and Buddhism are very are they different?
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Does Hinduism life suffering?

No, this is belief of Buddhism. In Hinduism life is very beautiful and given for a very specific purpose.

India what two religions?

There are not two but numerous religions in India. Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism etc are some of them.

What religion spread from India to the rest of East Asia?

Buddhism and Hinduism were introduced to South Asia by India. Buddhism has gradually declined in India, but it is still very strong in South Asia.

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They are all very ancient religions.

Is sacred text shared by Hinduism and Buddhism?

Hindus and Buddhists have different sets of sacred texts. However, Buddhism came from Hinduism and hence both of their religious concepts would have similarities. One Correction. Buddhism did not come from Hinduism. Buddhism has no belief in any long-lived gods, have no defined or required rituals, no priests and no caste system Many early Buddhists practiced a very early form of Hinduism (actually closer to Brahmanism) but gave that up when they converted.

How many banners does Hinduism have?

Hinduism is very wide Religion which has many banners. Such as jianism Buddhism shikhism shaktism shaivism & vasihanvism.

What is religious duty called of Hinduism and Buddhism?

Hinduism has many religious duties, while Buddhism has very few religious duties. some of these duties in Hinduism are Dharma (righteous living) Artha (material prosperity) Kāma (enjoyment) and Moksha (liberation) while Buddhism focuses on eternal peace and helping others.

How did Buddhism challenge Hinduism?

At the time of Buddhism's inception, Hinduism had a caste system that held priests ("brahmin") in very high regard. Buddhism, as well as Jainism, challenged this system by declaring that peoples' worth are decided by their actions, as seen in the Dhammapada, Chapter XXVI (The Brahmin).

How is Hinduism and bud similar?

Hinduism & Buddhism is very similar in thoughts of Non Violence. Also in thoughts of attaining Moksha (liberation) or Nirvana (Liberation).

Why isn't Buddhism the main religion of India today?

Actually, initially it did. It became very popular and influential and became the dominate religion for a time. But little by Little Brahman priests become more integrated with the government and used thier influence to stiffle Buddhism and reinstate Hinduism. But there was an positive influence to Hinduism. Many of the beliefs of Buddhism were incorporated in Hinduism to the point that The Buddha is now thought of as an avatar of Vishnu.

What is Hindu life like today?

Hinduism life like tODAY IS \very outrageous and phenominal. Hinduism is more popular in India then Buddhism is or Brahminism which transformed into Buddhism. Hindu people practioce and do rituals like bathing and praying!

What are the religions emerged in India?

there are very few religions which are emereged in India like, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikkhism.