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Q: Hinduism and Buddhism differ significantly in their belief about?
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How do hinduism and buddhism differ?

There are many ways that Buddhism and Hinduism differ. One of the most major differences is that Buddhism requires the individuals to follow a disciplined life and to realize that nothing is of themselves. Hinduism is the belief that there is a higher level of life that requires a process to achieve this status.

What is one teaching that Buddhist and Hinduism differ?

Hinduism believes in a Creator God, while Buddhism does not.

How does Mahayana Buddhism resemble and differ from devotional Hinduism?

It differs in a way

Buddhist differed from Hinduism by not believing in what?

Buddhists and Buddhism differ from Hinduism by believing in a couple of things differently. In its origins, Buddhism is similar to Hinduism though. Hinduism involves understanding Brahma, which is existence in the soul. Buddhism is more about finding the "not soul", or as practicers would say, the "Anatman" and nirvana.

In what ways did Buddhism differ from Hinduism at the time that Buddhism first emerged in India?

Hinduism is a religion that based on the concept of God. But Buddhism is not based on this concept. According to them, gods are a kind of powerful aliens but not deathless. Buddhism was a philosophy based on the concept of cause and effect. Later, some followers of Buddhism converted it to a religion.

How does Hinduism differ from many religions that worship many dieties?

Hinduism differs in a way that any one can become Hindu, while still following their gods. Hinduism is basically a way of lifestyle & belief.

What are two ways Buddhism is like Hinduism?

While there are many ways that the two differ, the primary difference is that Buddhism has no deity (god) while Hinduism is polytheistic (many gods).In additionBuddhists have no creation story, Hindu have a poetic written tradition of this event.Buddhists have no hierarchical clergy, Hindus have a Brahman casteBuddhists have no formal places reserved for worship, Hindus have templesBuddhism has no caste systemThe concept and process of reincarnation are handled differentlyThe overlap comes from the development of Buddhism from Hinduism. many parallel cultural memes are present (like Judaism and Christianity). These include:A belief in reincarnationThe concept of NirvanaThe concept of Karma

Would the force in Star Wars be considered magic?

Opinions may differ, but you could interpret it as such. George Lucas was inspired for many aspects of the Star Wars stories by concepts from Hinduism and Buddhism. Neither of those religions consider the concept that the "force" was based on to be magic, they consider it a core belief of their religion.

How do Hindu and Buddhist beliefs differ regarding the caste system?

Hinduism is a way of life, how the society and all members of it should behave is included in Hinduism. It is politiCal and socially influenced, where as Buddhism is only a philosophy for individuals to attain the highest Peace in life.

How does Hinduism differ from Janism?

Hinduism believes in a Supreme Creator, whereas Jainism does not.

How was the Buddhism of the Japanese nobles differ from the Buddhism of the common people?

The Buddhism stays the same, the application by the people differs.

What are the origins of Hinduism and Buddhism?

Buddhism started in 563 BCE and Hinduism there is no exact date but is the oldest reigion in the world.How can you say Hinduism is older than a religion started in 563 BC if you don't have even an approximated date of when Hinduism began?the truth lies in Hindu gods-god vishnu who was born 10 times into the earth to kill demons and spreed happiness took the form of sidu buddah this is before christ and before any religon was formed sidu in short term started Buddhism as it spreed many countrys adapted.Just to let you know Hinduism and Buddhism started in Ancient India. (just thought you might want to know)No. Although Buddhism was started by a born Hindu, they differ in many ways. Buddhists aim for enlightenment while Hindus aim for reincarnation and Moksh.