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the centromere

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Q: Holds sister chromatids together
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Where are chromatids held together?

the centromere is where the sister chromatids interlock in the middle but the kinetochore holds them together.

What is the name of the belt that holds sister chromatids together?

actin filaments

What holds together the sister chromatids during the cell cycle?


What object holds chromatids together during mitosis?

The centromere. It where the two identical sister chromatids come closest in contact.

What structure holds the sister chromatids to the spindle fibers?

Sister chromatids are held together by centromere and are attached to the spindle fibres by kinetochores during cell division.

The region of the chromosome that holds the two sister chromatids together during mitosis?


Which molecules is critical for the proper separation of sister chromatids?

The molecule critical for the proper separation of sister chromatids is called cohesin. Cohesin is a protein complex that holds the sister chromatids together during cell division. It helps ensure that the sister chromatids are accurately and evenly separated into two daughter cells.

What structur holds chromatids together?

The centromere.

What structure holds two sister chromatids What structure holds two sister chromatids together?

The mitotic cohesin complex contains four core subunits that form a ring structure and keeps them togetherA. centromereB. spindleC. nuclear membraneD. nucleosomes

What holds chromosomes together?

The centromere holds chromosomes together. It is the circle like thing in the middle of the chromosome.

What is the structure called that holds two chromatids together?

the centromere

What is the area in the center of the chromosome which holds the two sides together?

The centromere is the area at the center of a chromosome that holds the two chromatids together.