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He didn't.

He was being guided by William Seward and Edwin Stanton or should I say misguided.It is obivious that Lincoln was not in control of the Military. Stanton and Winfred Scott determined who was to bein charge of the military and when to engage the confederacy and for the most part they didn't. Their pick was George McCellan and then George Meade both career military. Meanwhile in the midwest and deep south Stanton and Gen Henry Halleck, U.S. Grants commaning officer kept Grant strictly on the Defense and with apparent spiteful intention, wired Washington to congratulate the Naval Commander and one of Grants subordinate generals for these impressive victories and recommending that general (CF Smith) be promoted over Grant and that he (Halleck) be given command of all the Union armies in the West. When no response came for his requests, Halleck raised the ante and began to complain to General -in-Chief George B McClellan about Grant's lack of communication to him and made the preposterous claim that Grant's army was "demoralized" after the Ft Donelson victory. McClellan agreed and gave Halleck the green light to arrest Grant if the insubordination continued. Halleck immediately followed up by falsely implying Grant may have resorted to drinking once again and that CF Smith is ready to take over command. Halleck did order Grant to turn over command to CF Smith and deliberately lied that he had no choice because of the critical telegrams he was receiving from Washington DC about Grant. No such telegrams were ever received.

Grant's fortunes began to improve when, at the prompting of President Lincoln, the army's adjutant general demanded specific charges are filed by Halleck against Grant. Since most were lies, Halleck had no choice but to drop the charges and reinstate Grant to command. Grant also requested to see the charges against him, but his numerous requests were ignored.

Problem was Grant was not a career soldier and for Grant to even be called a General was appalling. When Halleck was promoted Grant was ranking officer and since Halleck had failed early to have Grant removed the Command fell to Grant, with Grant in charge of the Army of the west Grant and Sherman took the war on the offence and with Grant sure victory at Vicksburg Gen Lee took the war North to try and free Vicksburg by forcing Grant's forces to come to the North's rescue. So How did Lincoln have an impact, to me very little.. except that the Command could no longer hide Grant from Lincoln.

Biggest IMPACT U.S. Grant and William Sherman.

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Q: How Abraham Lincoln had the biggest impact on the American Civil War?
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