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In January of 1776 Thomas Paine Wrote "Common Sense" it was one of the most widely read pamphlets of its time, and played a unique role in the drive for independence by exciting the public and by presenting them with a cogent and accessible critique of the monarchy. Within seven months, Jefferson had penned, and the Continental Congress had signed, the Declaration of Independence. In Common Sense, Paine outlines his thoughts on a new constitution for America. Paine wanted the state assemblies to handle all domestic business and to be subject to veto by a national Congress. Each colony would send at least 30 members to Congress, and they would choose a president. In his plan, every colony would have a chance to hold the presidency, one colony's turn not coming around again until all others had had a chance. Laws would have to pass in Congress by a three-fifths vote. He also wanted to see a conference held, with two members from the congressional delegation of each state; two from the state assembly; and five chosen by the people at large. The business of the conference would be to create a Charter of the United Colonies. The charter would define how members of Congress and the assemblies would be chosen, separating the powers of the national and colonial levels, and protecting the rights of religion, freedom, and property to all men. As for a king, in Paine's America, only the law would be king. For more visit

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Q: How Did The Founding Fathers Set Up your Representative Democracy?
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Why did the founding fathers establish a republic?

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Was James Madison a loyalist?

Certainly not. He was one of the founding fathers who pushed for the Revolution and set up the new government after the revolution succeeded.

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so that we as United States would not become a tyrant like the king we where under when we where colonies

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The people who set up the US government are generally called the "Founding Fathers."

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They didn’t create a weak national government, but one with a balanced set of powers.