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Oh God, where do I even begin?!

Sparta has two kings which is based predominantly on heritage. Everyone is more or less politically equal in Sparta (The actual Spartans, at least. The 'non-spartans' or 'Helots', had no rights and were basically there at the leisure of their spartan masters, but it was effectively communist-esque provided you were a spartan)

Whereas Plato's Republic is a lot more like a meritocracy; someone is intellectual and loves learning therefore they should rule because they are lovers of truth and knowledge (this is the literal meaning of philosopher: 'philo' coming from the word 'to love' and 'soph' coming from the word for knowledge)

There's more but really you should simply read up on the two subjects to get a good understanding.

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Q: How Plato's Republic similar to and different from the government of Sparta?
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What is Platos chicos?

small plates

What was Platos hobby?

Some of his hobbies were listening to Socrates, studing, and philosophy.

Who was not considered to be a philosopher in Greek society?

In Greece of ancient times, many great philosophers existed. That did not mean that ordinary people did not also exist. Not all were Aristotles and Platos.

What were Platos ideas about an ideal government?

Plato's ideas about and i deal government were....first he divided three groups of people first he discribed the 1st group as the top, at the top were philosopher kings,who ruled using logic and wisdom. warriors made up the second group. They defended the state from attack. The third group included the rest of the peoplee,they were drivin by desire , not by wisdom like the first group or courage like the second. These produced the states food clothing and shelter Plato also belived that men and women shoulod have the same educational jobs and an equal chance to have the same jobs yAY UR DONE ADDD ME ON PSN PLAYTAION NEWTWORL ps3 ITS DaViiDz- welcome

What were some of Platos accomplishments?

The ancient philosopher Plato accomplished many things worthy of remembrance and admiration. For one thing, he preserved the memory of his admirable teacher and philosopher in his own right, Socrates. For another, he presented to the world in stunningly perceptive (if also mysterious) form a view of human and cosmic life that is still worth studying today. For yet another, he founded the West's first institution of higher learning, which began a tradition that continues into the contemporary age.