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It didn't. As horrible as it was, the state of slavery remained relatively unchanged in the 1800s, until 1863 when the Emancipation Proclaimation went into effect granting slaves in the rebellious Confederacy, (but not the border states), their freedom.

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Q: How and why did African-American slavery in the southern states become worse between 1830 and 1860?
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How did the Southern political leaders become convinced that slavery was under attack by the North?

There were many abolitionist activists and politicians who wanted to get rid of slavery.

What was the bill name that called for southern states to abolish slavery?

Well, there wasn't a BILL that was passed to abolish slavery. There was the Emancipation Proclamation which said that all slaves living in the Southern states were free. Slavery didn't officially become abolished until the passing of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Why did the southern states with draw from the union?

Because Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery and the south wanted slavery, so the only way to do that was to leave the USA and become their own country.

How might the rise of cotton production and slavery affect southern society?

They may become dependant on slavery and cotton may be an essential thing over a large area in the U.S. Skittles H. <3

How might the rise of cotton production slavery affect the southern society?

They may become dependant on slavery and cotton may be an essential thing over a large area in the U.S. Skittles H. <3

What was the Cause that the southerners talked about in the civil war?

The Southern "cause" was to become an independent nation to preserve its institution of slavery and its Southern culture and political structures. It believed that the Northern States would grow and dominate the US.

Why did the southern colonies become so dependent on the institution of slavery?

Plantations were huge and grew many crops, so they needed slaves to work the fields and in the house.

When Did Slavery become illegal in Oregon?

Slavery was never legal in Oregon, so it never needed to become illegal.

Who escaped from slavery to become an abolitionist leader?

The person who escaped from slavery to become an abolitionist leader is Harriet Tubman

How did some enslaved Africans become free and how did some resist slavery in the southern colonies?

Some slaves were able to buy their own freedom from their owners, and others managed to escape to the north.

What were some reasons for southern states to secede from the Union?

Slavery was the main issue- they wanted to keep slaves and the Southern way of life. It became obvious that the United States mighteventually outlaw slavery by a Constitutional amendment. They also hated the tariffs which had been established to protect Northern industries.The Southern States in the United States believed they had good reasons for seceding from the Union. They were convinced that slavery would fail to be extended into the new American Territories and that there would be attempts to abolish slavery. Southern leaders predicted that their slave States would become outnumbered in the US Congress, and anti slavery movements in the North would ultimately damage their economy and way of life. They felt even worse when the Republican, Abraham Lincoln was elected US President. Although Lincoln assured the South that he had no intentions of, or even had the power to damage slavery, his party, the Republicans, were an anti slavery party.Tariffs imposed by the Federal government was also an economic problem for the South.